haha, very interesting -)
yeahh.. punchy, growly, plays like butter.. haha.. i remember someone who was so sick of the whole boutique pedal talk just gave up in exasparation "wtf is warm supposed to mean?? its not even a sound!!"
anyhow, my 2 cents on
(1)punchy.. it literally feels like a closed fist, something round is punching you in the face so you take notice, its got that "bup bup bup" to it, slightly phat, even sorta tone.
(2)growly.. i liken this more to a sort of tickle at the end of the note, it's not really there in your face, but it lurks in the background of your tone.. hence a growl.. i'd liken it to some sorta middish boost, a tad more trebbly to add the ticklish colour to whatever you're playing. abit like a dash of zing too!
(3)plays like butter.. haha.. erm.. nice low action, smooth fretboard where you can just play these awesome fluid lines.. y'know.. smooth, like a hot knife thru' butter.