Chord changing


New member
Hi, whenever i change chords, there's this abrupt silence in between that ruins the rhythm of the song. what am i doing wrong?
ya lah that's why like that wrong. you must strum and press at the same time not press then strum
you have to practice more to get the flow right. also while changing from one chord to another, try to use open strings to cover up just 1 second before changing to the next chord. at least that doesn't disrupt the flow but of course that is dependent on the strumming pattern too.
you have to practice more to get the flow right. also while changing from one chord to another, try to use open strings to cover up just 1 second before changing to the next chord. at least that doesn't disrupt the flow but of course that is dependent on the strumming pattern too.

Exactly what he said, just practice slow first, get used to the transitions in between the chords because they are just as important. Also perhaps your not letting the chord sustain, don't release too soon.
how do i change from a barring chord without the silence pause when i release??

when you release there won't be silence the open string will be ringing. So when u change to next chord, press and strum at the same time, if you press 1st then sound will cut off
oh but i see a lot of songs with full barring like F (full bar on second fret) or B, how can i deal with that?

press and strum at the same time means your finger aim have to be superbly accurate right?

btw, thanks for all your help by far... really appreciate it!=)
just play the chord lah barre the whole thing, and strum at the same time, then u release the chord then the open strings will ring then u change chord u press and strum at the same time the the sound won't stop.
ya lah press and strum must have accuracy, u must get the shape of the chord in mid air then all the fingers press down together
Use a metronome maybe??

Play slow then fast then slow again, varied speed trains coordination