Check-in here, weary melodic souls.


New member
Hi fellow travellers,

I do vocals/guitars. Am looking for people (lead guitarist versed in effects and textures, bassist, drummer, and perhaps keyboardist) with a sense of maturity and humour to jam together; and in the longer run, perform gigs and record original compositions. No big egos, please.Age should not be a barrier, as long as the heart is the right place, and there is commitment to improving as musicians and mates, even though we may have full time jobs and busy lives (as most Singaporeans do, eventually).

For the music, the focus will be on feeling and ear for melody instead of purely technical skill. As long as you are reasonably proficient in your instrument of choice, that should suffice. Influences include radiohead, rem, elliott smith, dire straits, pink floyd, u2 and many others. Basically the aim is to play thought provoking music with an element of experimentation, yet not that removed mainstream such that there wouldnt be a market for it.

We may not change the world, amass groupies, or get very far at all. But it's the journey that counts.

Please PM me if you're keen to grab a ticket for the ride. Thanks.
Hey, this is a three piece band looking for a vocalist. We've got pretty much the texture you're looking for. We're actually have just a couple of originals done with tracking and going into mastering. We're definitely going into writing more material and putting it out where we can and personally, it be great to have more songwriting input. Just msg me at 81831697 if you wanna enquire about anything or think this is your outfit. cheers.:)