Charity Busking Festival 2006 ** MUSICIANS WANTED URGENTLY**


New member
'SOMETHINGOOD 2006' looks for performers from all walks of life and all disciplines of the arts - rock bands, chamber ensembles, accapella choirs, jazz bands. If you can entertain and raise awareness about the Bone Marrow Donor Programme, we want you to busk at somethingood! Not only that, we're also looking for people to 'can'- that is, work the crowds around the buskers and get them to donate

'SOMETHINGOOD 2006' is a charity busking festival in aid of the Bone Marrow Donor Programme. We're looking for buskers and canners - people who can help out by performing or working the crowds to get people to donate. You don't need to commit to every day or even a whole day; just sign up for a date and time that suits you!

AUDITIONS will be held in time, after a number of bands have been signed up but rest assure that Most of you bands and performers will end up making the cut anyhow...Afterall its for a good cause so come on and do something!!!

HOW TO REGISTER: (Registration closes 31st May 2006) - Just PM me for the Registration forms.
You can specify the dates and times you'd like to come down for somethingood - it's entirely up to you!

If you require logistics along the lines of a drum set, guitar amps, etc., please register earlier so we can liaise with you regarding that! We may not be able to schedule you if you register late.

Please also note that while we will try to provide general logistical support, it's not likely that we'll be able to provide everything you need for your act in particular. Keep in mind that you're signing up to busk, so the set up (on our side, at least!) should be minimal!


As previously mentioned, somethingood will be at selected spots along the Orchard Road shopping belt. Locations are as of yet unconfirmed, but will be centred around the area of the Orchard MRT station. Locations will be recced for viability- depending on the nature of the performance, it'll be stationed at the most appropriate location.


'SOMETHINGOOD 2006'will be on between 12 to 25 June from 11am-7pm, except for Tuesdays and Thursdays. This doesn't mean that we'll have the same groups performing the entire day, or repeating programmes through out the entire drive either. Performing groups are given the option and flexibility of being able to name their own times through the two weeks. Preferably, we'd like each group to put in about 8-10 hours each if possible, but we're happy with any significant amount of contribution.


Upon your registration, we will get back to you to confirm your participation and various details. Should you need any technical equipment (amplifiers, microphones, sound systems, and so on) we'll follow up on that as well.

Station masters will be in charge of each venue during the event itself. They will be the ones directing the programme at each venue and performers will have to report to them beforehand. More information regarding this will be disseminated to performers closer to the date.
The 'SOMETHINGOOD 2006' organisers reserve the right to cancel outdoor performances in the event of rain. However, since we have several indoor spots, those will continue performing, although space may be limited since underpass traffic increases during rain.

Anyone who is interested in getting some exposure to their band can PM me for further details of this event and to fill out the registration form which is the most important thing to do. Not only can Bands enter, but individual acts will be allowed, singers, dancers and rappers. Anyone can join as there is No age Limit.

Selling of Goods will not be allowed at this event.
Any type of genre is acceptable within reason.
There is no minimum time period for a performance, the shorter your performance the more you will have to repeat it in each one hour slot time.
Do let me know on the registration form how long your actual performance is so I can alocate time schedules according.
Breaks will be allowed in between each performance.
Busker/performers are able to stay as long as they like, and can perform as many times as they choose to as long as they check with me, the co-ordinator.
As this is a basic busking event, the technical help will not be too extravegant. - basics will be provided - microphones, mic stands, amplifiers and chairs. if your band needs lights and any extras do let me know and bring them along once your place has been confirmed. IF you do decide to bring your own equipment we will not be held liable if anything has been lost or damaged. It will be at your own cost.
IF we have enough bands or performers, we may be able to extend the concert night and expand it over a 2 night performance.

If you need further info do PM me ASAP so you can get your band onto our list.

Cheers! :wink:

PS: Spread the word... We need as many buskers as possible for this event to help raise money for the charity!!
Any genre is acceptable. Just fill up the registration forms and I will email you regarding your audition times!!!
COME ON PEOPLE!! we need you guys URGENTLY!
