Changing from a Floyd rose to a hardtail


New member
Hi guys, just want to gather some opinions about this. I'm thinking about changing my Jackson warrior Floyd rose bridge to a hardtail bridge due to the maintenance and I'm unsure if that would cause any major changes to the sound.

My main focus is to swap out the Duncan design pick-ups to the emg jh set and I don't want to play it on a Floyd. Am I better of buying a new guitar?

What do you guys think?
there is no need to change out the entire bridge, just find a wooden block and use it to block the trem from moving.

as for pick-up change or buy new guitar that is just personal preference
You can also instal this device to make your bridge stay put (no whammy movement allowances):


The cavity in guitar bodies equipped with whammy-type bridges prove to be a challenge when swapping bridges out for a fixed unit. More often than not, it's costly to do so.

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