centralised gig guide on gilarock.com


New member
hi guys,

have a look at the gig guide i've put up on gilarock.com


as advertised, its meant to be a centralised gig guide. i wanted to do it because when trying to find out about gigs for my 987fm slot, it's really annoying to have to surf 50 different websites and trawl hundreds of people's tacky myspace layouts just to get the info i need. hopefully this will make finding out about gigs a bit easier.

for the moment i'll focus on original singapore music. foreign bands, possibly in the future, but definitely if they have local support acts. so please keep me informed of any gigs, email infoATgilarock.com and i'll ensure the gig guide is as up to date as possible.

add us on myspace too. comments and suggestions welcome!

wayne wayne!

this is one great move that u re making.
cheers for making it easier to monitor shows.

and goodness! 6 shows and 52 bands playing on the 3rd of febuary!
thanks for the positive feedback guys! please send me suggestions if you think it can be improved. and of course keep me informed of gigs so i can be up to date.

willy.....hosting shows? as in promoting? probably not, the two rock the haus shows are pretty much one off.....i don't intend to do shows on a regular basis because i can't afford to be throwing away money like that! unless got sponsor then come and talk! maybe every now and then, but only when i have the right occasion and lineup!

and dong....make that 7 shows and 60 bands on feb 3!!!! just added by the kids for the kids at l cube! madness!!!


sorry i type in caps... i really think this is a good idea

cheers bro :wink:

hmm may i suggest tat u have like photo albums of the gig?and maybe allow viewers to upload their gig pohoto(like if they play music attack 3,upload photo under that gig name)?

It'll be much more fun and like cool to c how the event took place

All very good suggestions! Some I will implement slowly as and when my schedule allows.....unfortunately I can't handle everything on my own so unless someone wants to volunteer to help administer such features.........

willy: yah, every now and then soo will call me and i'll just plug whatever gigs happen to be on around that time. so if anyone wants their gig plugged on 987 please let me know in advance so I can be prepared with the necessary info when the show's recorded. as with the pinholes and caracal some weeks back, i can also arrange on-air interviews and the occasional acoustic performance to tie in with an upcoming gig.
