Casual Heavy Metal Jamming.


New member
Are there any bands who jam and play Heavy Metal?
I am just looking forward to join you guys occasionally.
I am a big heavy metal fan and a guitarist+vocalist.
how old are you and what are your influences? me and a drummer occasionally jam metal for fun and it might just be a fit
I am 24 and listen to melodic death metal/folk metal, Thrash (Megadeth, sylosis), Groove (Pantera) etc etc.... I was the vocalist for my band and played guitar occasionally as well.
I listen to Alter Bridge too (Hard Rock), which is my fav band when talking about rock in general.

How about you?
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Hey there

We're a two man crew who jam casually on weekends. I, too, enjoy my melodic death metal/ thrash death (Children of Bodom, Kalmah, revocation, Sylosis etc.) I'm on the guitar and i have a friend on drums. His influences swing towards thrash metal/Metallica and the like. Would you care to hang out and jam with us? Contact me at 82095699

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