Care to share paradiddles, double paradiddles???


New member
Paradiddles is RLRRLRLL
tahen how you play double paradiddle??? Triple paradiddlle: ) quadruple paradiddle??? etc. anty other interesting rudiments?? Care to Share??
Double paradiddle is RLRLRR LRLRLL
Paradiddlediddle is RLRRLL LRLLRR
Flam paradiddle (Flamadiddle) is LRLRR RLRLL
Dang! U guys are making me feel bad for not practising all these! But pls do post more, must practice! arhghg... :evil:
Para = RL (2 alternate strokes)

Diddle = a set of doubles, can be R or L

from there you can come up with crazy combinations... so a triple paradiddle = 3 sets of RL plus 1 set of doubles, which = RLRLRLRR. A follow up to that is the opposite of the sticking, LRLRLRLL.

String em up and they'll form an endless chain, RLRLRLRRLRLRLRLL and so on...

The name "paradidle" itself isn't just a name... a name of a rudiment actually suggests how they are played. e.g. dragadiddle, paraflam, etc. Saying the name of the rudiment out loud while playing it actually helps in the mastery of the rudiment.
yah thats true man thats so important saying things out loud, seems simple but its so important. this really good session drummer over here told me the drummers he taught that practiced counted out loud seem be more successful musicians, work wise that the ones he taught that never counted out loud.
gee i never thought of that para=single LR or RL Diddle=LL or RR, thanks mate :) ha ha this is what happens when you self taught. luckily there's this kinda forum. :D
The what is para-para sakura??? : :wink: para=swing L or R arm sakura= ???