cant tune properly on IBANEZ gio SAT 10 bridge


New member
Have a GSA60
my first guitar had it for 3 years
upgraded pups to sd jb and dimarzio blue velv

been very happy with it


the bridge!
its very fun cos is floating i can do whammy pressing wif only my hand.
but when tuning super troublesome!!
when i tune one string, the tension on the bridge changes so the rest go out of tune again.

any solutions pls?
I have this guitar although its bridge has been hardtailed already.

But when it was still floating, I would tune from the top to the bottom, but after that my guitar was in tune and stayed in tune very well. If you're experiencing it going out of tune all the time I think you should bring it to a guitar shop for analysis. I never had tuning problems with mine, but I hardtailed mine for better sustain and the freedom to switch between standard E and drop-D anytime I want.

If you continue to have tuning problems, you can also purchase two high-tension springs and fit them behind with the three low-tension springs. This will hardtail the bridge and should be much stabler. To be honest, I HATE tremolos to the core, even though I never had problems.
Floyd Roses and similar tremolos are real bitches to re-string, re-tune, etc but yeah, whammy as much as you like, they stay more or less perfectly in tune :p.*

*Applies to Ibanez EDGE, Ibanez ZR and original Floyd Rose only.