Prices everywhere are about the same. You can go hunting, but you will find it's like that. Only for particular models can go cheap at times, but you have to be fast to catch them at the right time. Unless you get someone inside the company to help you buy, which they will rarely do, unless you are close to them.
Everybody has a ricebowl to catch, some place sells a little cheaper, but really not much lower. And problem is, there is always a catch, something is often missing.
Comparison is sometimes done unfairly, it shouldn't be brand vs brand, it should be the same model vs the same model differing between shops. Everyone knows Behringer is cheaper than Mackie, but that's why Mackie is of higher quality and standard.
Anyhow, Yamaha is having the mid year sale till 23rd July. You can look for me if you need anything. Cheers!!! Calvin