Buy & Sell: Damn it! Wld sellers PLEASE...


New member
4) Please include PRICE, PHOTO and CONTACT INFO and

(dont forget the BRAND too.)
like the Admin says so we could actually SEE what really (the condition, colour etc) the hell is it yawl are trying to sell? :mad:

Selling a bla bla bla + bla bla bla + bla bla bla @ $XXXX
Deal @ bla bla ... Contact bla bla < condition X/10

.. really does NOT help to sell your stuff.

Just another rant :rolleyes:
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+1 to Justin!

But really, as the above post mentioned, I don't think they'll give a hoot about what you said.

Just my 2 cents :)
Frankly I too dont think theyll read this or give a care.
It was 2am, I'm dog tired and I just want to let some steam off cos when I look at the stuff I 'm interested in, no pics/details/brand etc. Its XXXX frustrating man.

Worst off, by the time I'm awake, the things sold oredi.:mad:
But really, sellers should at least make the effort.
Haha...nice rant. I share your sentiments too. Here's my take...

(1) No Photos. Sellers are doing themselves a disservice here. A picture speaks a thousand words is no understatement. Without pictures, it takes much longer to sell unless the price is very attractive. I guess there are 2 reasons here: (i) don't know how to attach photos and never bother to learn, (ii) just pure laziness or simply bo-chap.

(2) Photos upon request. The seller's reason is to attract only serious buyers. But then a serious buyer wouldn't take you seriously without photos either. To me, this seems rather lazy or shall I dare say, a hint of arrogance?

(3) Soft focus or artistic photos. C'mon, this is a sales thread, not a modeling shoot or a thread to show off your photography skills. Simple but clear pictures, please.

(4) Link that doesn't work. It's OK to post a link to a photo hosting site. But some links just doesn't work or the pictures have been removed. Some land you in the home page and require you to browse or better still, to register or sign-in. Pain in the ass, my friends.

(5) No Price. Make an offer. So buyers have to either (i) guess the price, (ii) spend some time to call up retailers or do a research online for prices. And if the buyer comes back to you with the "wrong" offer which is too low, do you call him a lowballer? For goodness sake, just name and list down your asking price, negotiable or firm is up to you. Won't die one.

(6) MWTS. So do you want to sell or not? "Testing market" means the buyers will never take you seriously. Might as well don't sell.

(7) MWTB. I saw this one before, and it takes the cake. Who would dare to sell you anything? MWTB = Big Time Waster. Period.

(8) Essay Writing. I'm sure you have seen this many times. Sellers writing long long stories telling why they have to part with their dear beloved guitar/amp/pedal. I believe some are genuine but got carried away, while others are just BS.

(9) Hostile Essay Writing. The long selling script here takes a different angle. All 2000 words consist of (i) don't you dare lowball me, (ii) do your homework before commenting on my product, (iii) do your own research first and don't ask me stupid questions, (iv) I repeat, for serious buyers only, (v) my product is for musicians who appreciate and not for fussy people, (vi) don't waste my time, (vii) don't you dare lowball me, etc...etc. I can't believe some people actually take efforts to deride buyers before they even make a sale. Oh well.

Disclaimer: This is not a personal attack on anyone here. Just an observation and opinion of what's going on in the buy/sale section. So any similarity to any person living or dead is merely coincidental. :D
1,2 & 5; are what really pisses me off.
8 & 9; I just buat bodoh
6 & 7; I'm guilty of this. But fwiw, i did sell / buy the stuff tho.
3 & 4; PIA is spot on. Or trying to hide something?

I got an idea.
Allow any member with post count above 1000 rate the ads (1 = poor; 5 = excellent) based on guidelines James has provided. With this rating, it'll be easier for the the mods to remove the ads without actually having to go through them individually

If they ask why its removed, just say you didnt follow the guidelines lah.
Theyre there for a reason y'know.
most people who don't post photos are usually fishy. whenever I request for photos, they usually send me lousy taken photos (blurish) considering that they are selling very high end stuff. can afford $3000 guitar cannot afford a good camera costing few hundred dollars?

when they say the item is sold, it usually means their scam has been busted. I would be wary of sellers with very low post counts / newly registered members.
true too, i believe the picture is rather important especially if its at a certain selling price and especially with allot of fakes around in the market. m sure that some1 who looking for a mustang for example wouldn't wanna end up with a "must thank" instead.
I personally dont have a problem with no photos thread. As long as there is a stated price and a way to contact the seller, if you're interested, just contact the seller for photos. I don't see how much of a problem there is just to email/PM the seller for photos. Haha.

I think the annoying part is that the seller doesn't reply you and you end up waiting and waiting, sending PMs and mails and no replies. If it's sold, just reply "Sold" or update the thread. How difficult can that be? If the seller isnt satisfied with the buyer's offer, just say no. Same for the buyer too. Not interested in a certain item anymore, at least have the courtesy to reply the seller instead of leaving it hanging there and not even bothering to reply.

I get really annoyed at buyers/sellers who do not reply and go MIA.
Re the photo part

As a buyer i would prefer fast deal, at times when u pm the seller for pics, you got to wait for some time for his reply, then you got to wait for another few days for the seller to take pics and send it to you, then if you are someone like me who don't really fancy relic guitars, you would want to actually clear pics of the guitar's condition. The important part of pics is that you would be able to see if your getting the original and not some replica. look through the forum you would see some of em who actually purchased some fake versions thinking that its the real thing.
And another thing.... Please post to the correct thread lah!!
They're there for a reason y'know.

Gtr Mfx >>> Pedals and Effects - Buy/Sell
Gtrs >>> Guitar - Buy/Sell

... saw this on another site....

"Note: Threads which do not conform to guidelines will be removed without notice and your account may be suspended."

A bit extreme but could work :P
Oh wow

so for people like myself whom have no camera/image capturing device i am supposed to get my account suspended if i do not post a sell thread with pictures.

I'm not slaming your idea. My camera(s) just happened to crash/got lost when i moved house.

It is indeed frustrating to see an enticing thread only to be disappointed by some half-f*** form of posting. But not everyone whom does not post pictures does so deliberately. For me, i am currently unable to do so.

Let me tell you what will happen. Basically most of the people whom do not see the need to post pictures on their threads will have their accounts suspended. When that happens the population of soft will decrease and be replenished only by younger retards whom start flaming each other over every minute detail. As it is already we see soft being taken over by a bunch of kids whom have no idea what they are talking about with an intense fetish for flame wars. Please dont let that happen.
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