Haha...nice rant. I share your sentiments too. Here's my take...
No Photos. Sellers are doing themselves a disservice here. A picture speaks a thousand words is no understatement. Without pictures, it takes much longer to sell unless the price is very attractive. I guess there are 2 reasons here: (i) don't know how to attach photos and never bother to learn, (ii) just pure laziness or simply bo-chap.
Photos upon request. The seller's reason is to attract only serious buyers. But then a serious buyer wouldn't take you seriously without photos either. To me, this seems rather lazy or shall I dare say, a hint of arrogance?
Soft focus or artistic photos. C'mon, this is a sales thread, not a modeling shoot or a thread to show off your photography skills. Simple but clear pictures, please.
Link that doesn't work. It's OK to post a link to a photo hosting site. But some links just doesn't work or the pictures have been removed. Some land you in the home page and require you to browse or better still, to register or sign-in. Pain in the ass, my friends.
No Price. Make an offer. So buyers have to either (i) guess the price, (ii) spend some time to call up retailers or do a research online for prices. And if the buyer comes back to you with the "wrong" offer which is too low, do you call him a lowballer? For goodness sake, just name and list down your asking price, negotiable or firm is up to you. Won't die one.
MWTS. So do you want to sell or not? "Testing market" means the buyers will never take you seriously. Might as well don't sell.
MWTB. I saw this one before, and it takes the cake. Who would dare to sell you anything? MWTB = Big Time Waster. Period.
Essay Writing. I'm sure you have seen this many times. Sellers writing long long stories telling why they have to part with their dear beloved guitar/amp/pedal. I believe some are genuine but got carried away, while others are just BS.
Hostile Essay Writing. The long selling script here takes a different angle. All 2000 words consist of (i) don't you dare lowball me, (ii) do your homework before commenting on my product, (iii) do your own research first and don't ask me stupid questions, (iv) I repeat, for serious buyers only, (v) my product is for musicians who appreciate and not for fussy people, (vi) don't waste my time, (vii) don't you dare lowball me, etc...etc. I can't believe some people actually take efforts to deride buyers
before they even make a sale. Oh well.
Disclaimer: This is not a personal attack on anyone here. Just an observation and opinion of what's going on in the buy/sale section. So any similarity to any person living or dead is merely coincidental.