thor666 said:
fixit - mattleesc has answered your question (indirectly). You need your credit card address to be the same as vPost address. (which is impossible unless you register for the card in that address and somehow collect the card at your home address.)
LMAO... I think you all got it wrong!!! your mailing address has to be your home address OF COS since it's YOUR credit card, not VPOST's credit card. :lol: :lol: :lol: when you sign up for an account in, they will ask you to fill up both billing and shipping address (they DON'T have to be the same)
billing address = your house
shipping address = vpost's u.s address.
one of the reason why vpost is useful is because they help us to purchase stuff that don't ship to singapore. i read a little about, they say you can save 20% of usual shipment. BUT keep in mind that you have to pay for the shipping from musiciansfriend's warehouse to vpost's u.s address, UNLESS the items you are buying provide free shipping in u.s.
**one important point to take note**
vpost charges the shipping cost by the package's dimension and weight, if suay suay (bad luck) musiciansfriend packed your purchased item in an oversized box, then lots of luck lah. vpost will only tell you how much you have to pay for the shipping after they have received and measured your package. so after you clear your shipping fee with vpost, then they will take 2 weeks to send your stuff to your house. if musiciansfriend happen to take hell long of a time to ship your stuff to vpost's address, then you have to wait ............slowly loh.
**another important point to buy things from overseas**
if the guitar or other stuff you bought are faulty and you want refund or exchange, you have to pay your own shipping to musiciansfriend's warehouse i think!! which means you have to pay for the shipping from singapore to u.s!!
damn...i used vpost before

cheers. i hope i don't confuse you all 8)