Burny Les Paul copies

Wow i can't remember the last time i saw a Burny in a shop......are you sure you only want a Burny? Last i recall was Yamaha@PS that had them, now no more. They'll prob be around 900+, seeing as they're quite rare here now. I think you might probably want to get an Edwards instead, readily available at Davis.
They had this purple Burny for a Veryveryveryveryveryvery long time. Seems like they wanted to clear it.
Kinda ex. Edwards is kinda good.
hmm theres this shop at brash basah selling tokais. Guitar workshop?
I think there's a shop in Bukit TImah somewhere which stocks Japanese brand guitars, probably MIJ as well. I just can't remember the shop. It has Tokai, Burny, ESP, Edwards etc.
Yamaha@PS has this Burny, pink in colour i think. The neck was a tad bit too chunky for me, and the body weighed an elephant.
Current mid to low end burny's are all mic. Only the high end models are mij. Avoid buying mij guitars from the 70's. Best burny for the price are 80's to mid 90's.