Building a guitar!!


New member
hello, i need some help.

i'm planning to build a guitar from scratch. i'm planing to use two humbuckers, an emg 81/85 (cause i play post hardcore and metalcore) so i need to know

1. wat type of wood should the body be ( i'm keen on a les paul style body)

2. wat type of neck it should be?

3. and since it is an active pickup,can i customize a kind of cover that will make inserting and removing the battery easier?

4. i saw a les paul body at davis guitar going at 120, the brand is "all parts" does anybody knows if it is good?

5. Finally, should i even be building the guitar or should i just buy one ?

i'd appreciate any help i can get. anyways if anybody has any setup list or any advice/information that would help, please lemme know cause i wanna make this guitar a good one that will last me for a while......

...because i am finally going to get an electric after 7 yrs of playing....
i won't answer your questions directly.

1. Les Pauls come mostly with fat mahogany body.

2. the neck your hands are most comfortable with. don't forget to make sure the heel fits into the neck joint on the body.

3. routing for 9v batteries can be done.

4. can't help with this one, really sorry.

5. you can build one, you can also buy one. buying one is convenient in that you're good to go right after buying. building one is more exciting, but you'd definitely have to dig deeper into your pockets.
I was supposed to reply this 1st but my modem screwed up..haha. I'll cut my non expert view short. Yeah it definitely more ex building one although more exciting. It's not just about the body, neck and pickups, you'll have to consider the cost for nut, bridge, backplates, tuning pegs, etc the end you'll spend more buying seperate parts, unless you don't mind the cost. Also your experience in the setup, if you are not good enough the result will be less than satisfactory.
ok.. i think i play the same genre as u..
anyway, i think it would be more advisable to buy ur own guitar.. ive heard j.suziki les paul copies sounding pretty nice playing metalcore before..

building ur own guitar might be abit costly and doesnt have quite a good resale value unless u dismantle it and sell it part by part..

buying a cheap les paul copy + emgs would be maybe around $500?
build ur own guitar -> wood($200), parts($200), pickups($200)= around $600 + labour and might not sound and look nice..

well, if ur into diying then why not try building, but dont expect it to sound like expected..

i built a strat with all my specific parts and also added gfs rail pickups.. wanted it to sound death metal, but it just couldnt.. bloody pissed off and i spent around $500 on it.. when i could have just used it to get a 2nd hand les paul or something that would sound more brutal..

haha, sorry to demoralise u..
well advantages of building, you learn what goes where, how they work, and stuff like that. so when it's done,, you'd know your guitar inside out. but yeah, that is if you're willing to sacrifice some moolah. oh and take your time building a guitar. you can't rush perfection.;)
that guitar you fell in love with is definetly a GO!

this one would cost roughly around the region of 1.3k+/-
for 1.3k u can custom as well...but if u wanna premium parts prepare to spent even more..
it depends how serious are you and how much money u willing to spend.
but i prefer custom any day ...:)
btw the 120 body that u saw is not allparts its drparts ..:)