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Anything to take note when bringing an electric guitar with me to Australia?
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance
Depends on the airline that you're taking. The nicer ones will let you handcarry and put it in the business closet or something. That's what i did for my bass when i went to Japan. I didn't even put it in a hardcase.
I always fly SQ.
Was that SIA?
sooo the australian's custom allows guitars to be brought in? heard some of them were sent back home. am curious!
Depends on the wood of the guitar. Australian Quarantine (not customs) have a thing about wooden items being brought into the country. Usually they look at it and say it's fine, I've taken drumsticks originating both from Australia and Singapore through several times. The only chance of you being stopped might be if your guitar is a termite's nest or has some other evidence of insects living in it, in which case they're supposed to treat it and return it to you.
o really? cause from what i heard, it's different. you need to have permit or something to bring in guitars so yeah