Bridge & Neck for Rhythm or Lead?


New member
Is the bridge usually used for lead and neck for lead? My bridge has a sharper sound than the neck. Some leads I hear are not that sharp, is it due to the amp/equalizer or the pickup position most of the time?

Also, my pinch harmonics are kindda weak/soft on the neck but stronger on the bridge. Is it supposed to be that way, or am I playing it wrong? Like this than its like i play on neck, then gotta switch to bridge to get the pinch harmonics a bit slow hehe...
its true that artificial harmonic seems to be easier to execute on the bridge pickups. it can be explain by physics and has something to do with the bridge pups very close to the "end" (saddles) of the strings. more harmonics can also be heard on the bridge pup than on the neck pup...

however, that is not to say artificial harmonics are softer on the neck pickup. in order to get a louder artifical harmonic on the neck pickup, u must do the pinch properly and sharply at the exact spot where the harmonic is found (dg, not +- 0.5 cm from the REAL spot)

but don't fret if u notice a certain harmonic does not sound at all al becomes very soft when the neck pup is selected... as i've mentioned, if u look at it from the physics point of view, when u do a pinch, the strings vibrate at divided segments... cuz of the neck pup placement, it WILL be more likely to be under or close to a node (nodes are points on the string where it DOESN'T vibrate at all, eg if u do nat harmonic on 12th fret, there's a node above the 12th fret, if u do on the 7th fret, there's a node on the 7th fret and 19th fret, or at every 1/3 of the strings etc dun worry bou them)

when this occurs, the pickup doesn't sense any or very lil vibrations and thus no sound...

for insane leads with a lot of pinch i would suggest stick with bridge for this purpose...

other than that, don't limit yourself to "bridge = lead and neck = rhythm"

u can change them as and when u like/want depending on what u feel best emulate the sound/tone u have in ur head for the particular line (whether lead or rhythm)

some "guidelines":

for sweeping or taping, if u want fat tone, use neck
for rhythm with heavy chugging ala metal, use bridge
for leads with a lot of pinches or harmonics/noise, use bridge

these are just GUIDElines or stuff which i prefer... not hard rules so feel free to do what thou wilt :twisted:
Wow thats really detailed, thanks! I do notice sweeps sound nicer on the neck pickups (lesser string noise hehe)and metal style rhythm sounds nicer on the bridge. The pinch harmonics i get sounds very clear on bridge and not so clear no neck. Guess I have to work more on them.