Brass or Graphite Nut?


New member
hi i am thinking of changing my stock nut to either a brass or a graphite nut i would like to hear some opinions on the sound effect and the pros and cons of these sweet upgrades thx! :)
i'd think that brass would give u a clearer sound similar to a fretted note. as for graphite i haven't really played a bass with a graphite one before but i would expect it to be warmer and fuller sounding compared to a brass one. i might be wrong but that's what i hear.

if your frets are nickel, y don't u try putting some nickel ones on? like a zero fret so the diff in tone between an open and a fretted note is minimal.
Depends on the tone you're going for. Brass gives you a really aggressive attack, while graphite probably gives you a mellower sound.

If you're going for a mellow sound, my bet would be bone.