Boss GT-10 vs Line 6 Pod X3 Live


New member
Hi Guys.

Which would you prefer if you had the oppurtunity.

Things I like about the GT-10:
- Everything is straight forward
- Since it's boss it'll have a lot of boss effects inside0
- Looks nice

Things I like about the X3 Live
- Amp Modelling

Things I don't like about the X3 Live
- The interface doesn't look very good
- The layout of the board is not really suited to me though it would probably grow on me (I like the stompbox style foot switches though)

Personally, I'm more of a blues guy. The X3 Live appears to have solid blues tones based on reviews and videos. But I like the GT-10 more because it seems to have more tones that I can play with. I mean, while I like to play blues, I definitely do not play it exclusively and it would be besides the point to get a multi efx pedal just for blues.

Are there any things I should check before getting either one? Made in Japan (or are they ALL made in the same place)? Is there a specific revision that I should get because older models are unable to be updated to the new version? Are you able to set the chain order in terms of what goes first or does it not make a difference in this case?

Right now, the problem I face is having compact pedals, I can't activate more than one at a time and it so happens that I need that, especially between songs (mostly play in a church band now so the songs can be really different in one set).

Right now, in my line up is
1) DIY Tube "Preamp" (It's really a tube overdrive pedal)
2) Rocktron Tsunami Chorus
3) MXR Microamp
4) Digitech Bad Monkey
5) Big Muff Pi
6) MXR 10 Band EQ
7) Boss DD-6
8) Boss FBM-1

I'm missing a Chorus and a Reverb pedal here.

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