BOSS GE-7 Equaliser, CATALINBREAD Super Chili Picoso, ALESIS NanoCompressor for SALE


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BOSS GE-7 Equaliser. Classic equaliser for guitar. Good condition. $90.
Alesis NanoCompressor w/adaptor. Clean compression for studio/live and can also run your guitar/bass signal through this. (note: this is a signal processor/adaptor-powered effect, not stompbox) $100.
CATALINBREAD Super Chili Picoso - Transparent Clean Boost. Rare, hard-to-find second edition of this classic clean boost. one knob for boost level only. Great for solos, and improves signal clarity if you are running long cables/rigs. $130.

All effects in good condition. Rarely used and now selling. Pictures available upon request (include your email address). Deal in central or northeast area.
SMS to 92 275 440.