Borrow Guitar!


New member
hello softies, i need your help... my band performing for our prom night, so its really important we get your help. we need an acoustic guitar WITH pick ups to use on the night, make things easier for us, so we dun have to mic up anything. plus we have to pay for all the amps their bringing in also, coz the other bands got pissed when i told them i dun wan pay for the guitar amps their bringing in, so i bo bian loh.. so i discussed with my band, and well here i am. can anyone from soft lend us their acoustic guitar with a pick up installed in it? you can trust us, we're guitarists as well, and we'll return to you guys ASAP after prom night, which is i think on the 26th of november, or if you can hang around late at orchard hotel we can return you right after our performance or around there. i live in the east, but i dun mind going far to borrow the guitar. then in the 27th i'll ring you up and meet you so you can get your guitar back. if i dun ring you up, call the police or something, but i really need the guitar! so please, lend us your acoustic guitar with a pickup installed!
are you from anglican high? maybe you can call blackwoods to rent from them. its unlikely that anyone will just lend you without even knowing you
yeah im from anglican high, aw so cool lol your from there too? i'll try blackwoods, but not now, unless we really cant get anything out from soft. if we rent from blackwoods need about how much?
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all else fails - rent from Dan Music at 04-35 peninsula shopping centre - cheap & good
Try renting from a shop instead, everybody values their own guitars, nobody's gonna lend his/her guitar to a stranger.
Yeah, i don't think anyone would just lend you his/her guitar like that.. Acoustic guitar with pickups don't come cheap also. Unless, you intend to pay for the usage/rent? Perhaps someone might just be interested.
yeah i graduated last year. so you know jonathan?he borrowed my les paul a few days ago, because he's my junior and i know him personally.

i guess the only way is to rent. money makes the world go round.
yeah i graduated last year. so you know jonathan?he borrowed my les paul a few days ago, because he's my junior and i know him personally.

i guess the only way is to rent. money makes the world go round.
Hmm weird, because i always thought that the gravitational pull of the Sun made the world go round. Gmm/r^2.

Lame joke ftw.