novocaine said:Heard them play a couple times way back, prob 4-5 years ago! They had this song 'Zoe Tay', was on air for a while. Very cool band, last saw them at the Youth Park covering Paradise City and immediately arrested by the police off the stage(for spouting expletives, I think), can never forget this scene, ever! Handcuffs and all! They contributed quite a number of songs to the Eating Air soundtrack too, most notably, "One to One", damn funny song!
Dunno what happened to them every after...
novocaine said:Heard them play a couple times way back, prob 4-5 years ago! They had this song 'Zoe Tay', was on air for a while. Very cool band, last saw them at the Youth Park covering Paradise City and immediately arrested by the police off the stage(for spouting expletives, I think), can never forget this scene, ever! Handcuffs and all! They contributed quite a number of songs to the Eating Air soundtrack too, most notably, "One to One", damn funny song!
Dunno what happened to them every after...
Cavett said:Boredphucks used to be huge in the local scene in 1998 or so. I still remember that they were very tight with lotsa energy during gigs even for a 3 piece band. The arrest thingy sure caused a lot of commotion. If I'm not wrong it happened during Localpoloza at Youth Park, a gig organised by Perfect 10 way back then...
I'm not sure whether their albums r still available here though it was going only for $8(when sold during gigs) and $10 back when it was out.
Wonder what Sanjay and the gang r doing in OZland now...
pooo said:Think their new name is The Suns, or something like that. Serious? Arrested off the stage? Cool shit man.
AgingYouth said:The Ai Sio Kan Mai bonus track is not recorded live, gordonzz. All studio trickery… The applause and screaming were added in… but I love that song. It’s absolutely hilarious.
Check our website soon. We’re doing an interview with the SunS (ex-BoredPhucks). It should be a right riot. We’d ask them if they have the intentions of releasing the “Rock” EP in da Singapura. So keep a lookout for that!