Body Construction

AsphaltMK said:
What's the difference between bolt-ons, neck-thruss, set-necks and set-thrus?

Hi AsphaltMK,

Aside from "set-thru's" which I've never heard of and assume are set-necks; these terms refer to the way the neck is fitted to the guitar body.

Depending on how its done, they can(may) affect playability, tone, sustain, ease of replacement.

Do however take note that, how good one finds a guitar is really due to the sum of its parts rather than one specific element.
yes, thank you....
i actually got these terms from the ESP custom shop website when i was looking around for fun... they were all under 'body construction'...
hmmm, but how exactly do they differ from each other? and what would be the pros and cons of each one up there?
Bolt-on: Neck is joined onto body by bolts. Average sustain, neck is replaceable easily.
Set-Neck: Neck is joined onto body by glue. Said to have better sustain.
Neck-Thru: Neck is on the same piece of wood as the body. Sustain is monsterous.

That being said, I think some companies charge quite a lot more for a set-neck. Bolt-ons have comparable and impressive sustain if set up properly too. 8)
AsphaltMK said:
yes, thank you....
i actually got these terms from the ESP custom shop website when i was looking around for fun... they were all under 'body construction'...
hmmm, but how exactly do they differ from each other? and what would be the pros and cons of each one up there?

i m not too sure but i ll try k ?

set necks are normally found in Les Paul or LP copies. set necks means that the neck is set into the body during construction. the neck is adjsuted , checked and then GLUED on to the body if i m not mistaken. set necks are a pain in the ass to remove /maintain if they warp or uld want to adjust the truss rod. but generally , truss rod adjustment for set necks are pretty rare as they dun shift much. what is more dangerous is a set net warping.

Bolt on refers to necks which are bolted on to the body. this means that the neck is aligned and then bolted on to the body using screws or bolts. an example of this would be fender stratocasters. fender strats have a 4 bolt neck. a common variant of the bolt neck would be the 6 bolt neck , which is gaining popularity nowadays. 6 bolt necks are very very very strong as theoreatically , more bolts = more tightly "locked' to the body. of the three guitar neck types , its the best as it can easily be removed / changed during maintainence or if the neck warps

BODY THROUGH necks means that instead of being added to the body , the neck length actually runs through the body. this means that the neck is not bolted or glued to the body but is part of the body itself. theoreatically, this provides for longer sustain and more resonance . it is also said to be very very unlikely to warp. but if it warps, uld have helluva time trying to fix it ...
ah, i see... thanks a bunch man...
well, does that mean that neck-thrus cant be replaced if say i break my neck? (GUITAR's neck...)

and also, what does it mean by STRINGS THRU BODY?
I saw this term on the B.C. rich website.
AsphaltMK said:
ah, i see... thanks a bunch man...
well, does that mean that neck-thrus cant be replaced if say i break my neck? (GUITAR's neck...)

and also, what does it mean by STRINGS THRU BODY?
I saw this term on the B.C. rich website.

strings through body refer to the bridge restringing / string input process ...

i tihnk ... string through body is about the guitar bridge
AsphaltMK said:
ah, i see... thanks a bunch man...
well, does that mean that neck-thrus cant be replaced if say i break my neck? (GUITAR's neck...)

Highly doubt you can break an entire body in half. :lol:

String thru body is normally found on hardtails/ tune o matics, basically non tremolo types.
Bolt-ons, don't look at them and pass them off for lower sustain. A good set up on a bolt-on will make it rival even the set necks and neck throughs. It's what you do with it that makes the difference.

well, does that mean that neck-thrus cant be replaced if say i break my neck? (GUITAR's neck...)

lol if that happens, kiss goodbye to the guitar.
If you do manage to break the set neck(like Slash did before), you will have to trim the breakage down to the joint where the body meets the neck and replace the neck. I think this is done with glue?Note this is not a simple process and should be done by a qualified tech.
neck thru - soundwise, it can be a little bright since the pickups may be resting on the hard maple neck, which extends into the body


but note the lack of the "heel", and you can see how comfortable it is to reach the inner frets without being obstructed

set neck -a neck which extends about 2-3 inches into the body and glued in. Soundwise, its said that set neck guitars have a warmer sound, slightly better sounding than a neckthru


set thru - this is a hybrid of set neck and neck thru. Basically it is a set neck which extends way into the body. It has the characteristic of a set neck soundwise, and also the inner frets accessibility of a neckthru.