Blues this Friday Nite! Chicken Shack Revival live at Mel's Place


New member

Greg here, I'll be performing with my band "Chicken Shack Revival" this Friday night at Mel's Place. Yes, we're back for 3 whole sets of jumpin' jivin' blues!

You are invited to come and party the night away with us!

Details as follow:

Venue: Mel's Place Bistro and Bar. Junction of East Coast Road and Stills Road
Date: Friday 20th June
Time: 9pm to 1145pm

Here is a map of the venue: Map of Mel's Place Bar & Bistro :: Lounge :: Clubs & Bars :: Time Out Singapore

Groove to the sounds of Chicago Blues! Boogie on to the cool West Coast blues!
Great Place, great food, great music, great company!

Please help to spread the love for the blues!
Have a Great Week Ahead! See you there!

We are Chicken Shack Revival:

Louis Lam - Vocals and Harmonica
Greg Leow - Guitar
Chris Gomez - Electric Bass
Justin Teo - Drums