Hey there, pple. I'm a blues fan too. Not hardcore blues, but more Jeff HEaley and Eric Clapton. I'm for the idea of a jam. Someone wanna call together a session? Guitarist here.
I don't usually play blues but when I try to, its usually a more modern approach with your standard whammy tricks, tapping and stuff.. .haha... but I love to get the feel of blues... that special vibrato that sends shivers down your spine kind. Amazing stuff.
woo woo me fav SRV - can play most his songs esp Love struck baby, Cold shot, pride & joy, tin pan alley etc...his hendrix covers too...dammmm wish I didnt sell my SRV No. battered replica...miss it like hell
if there aint place to jam..or to commit money for a studio..i think acoustic should be the way to go. Nice place like a void deck (hahha no pun intended) or something...to work out the ground b4 hitting it up one notch with electric yeah..cant wait to try out my paf pro + super distortion setting though...heeh :wink: