Bloodstone: War Anthem

haha david anand is frm Innova Jc......its pretty cool la both lead guitarists are used to be from my secondary sch....
langsuir said:
Hmmm, who are you bro?...

Im darrell man, used to be from vs too......are u david or qadir? just doing my bit to support u guys..... :D

i haven started playing guitar den.....
YES! it was good...but the shredding by the other guitarist sounds abit off and the drummer missed his beat quite a few times...but overall its a really good song composed...i wonder how the idea came to place at first..

So AEnimic, the other guitarist whose shredding was off was me rite? I'm David, a.k.a Cliff, 2nd guitarist of Bloodstone. My guitar skills are still amateur. Qadir is so much more better than me haha. I'm just filling in the spot for 2nd guitarist. I'm gonna work on my guitarwork after my A levels definitely till i break down and cry. So, thanx for the criticism bud.

As for being back in blood line-up, yeah i am back i guess. I performed yesterday at IJ Thrashfest, and will be performing at Groundbreaker 2 on 3rd Sept and Headbanger's Holocaust on Sept 10 so come down and support Bloodstone and the rest of the bands orite? :)

And really guys, Bloodstone just wants to create kicka$$ thrash metal. If u like it, bang ur heads!

Let me do some free advertising here. haha.
Our new split with CrustPunk band Distrust is out now! Only $5.

Btw, would u like to see new bloodstone videos up? i think i wanna record our next performances. But i'm not being arrogant or show-off here. Just wanna set the record straight. Support Sg Music ppl. Be it Sg Idol or Death Metal.
oh yeah. that was the first and the last time i used a fifth harmoniser in my lead (2nd lead) live. I changed my effect to wah after that gig. I wanted to do the Chuck Schuldiner (Death) effect with the 5th harmoniser haha but i found it cheesy. Thanx for the comments guys. Blood will continue to work hard.
aye bro dun worry too much it was good stuff alr.....anyways darrell here....dunno if u rmb me or not....but nvm :D
haha aye. now am in my sch's jamming cca and playing lead for my band. mostly van halen. haha. so hows sch for u man? :D