Blame It On Eve! needs a new drummer! (Pop/pop-punk/pop-rock)


New member
Hulloooo fellow SOFTers - we, Blame It On Eve!, are a band of 17 to 20 year-olds who enjoy playing pop/pop-punk/pop-rock music by bands such as Paramore, Hey Monday, Automatic Loveletter, All-Time Low, and The Maine. We don't believe in music elitism and are happy to explore music from broader genres such as alternative, rock, and pop (e.g. Coldplay). Essentially, we play music that makes people happy :)

Unfortunately, we've gone through some lineup changes recently and we're in need of a new drummer. Everyone and anyone is welcome to contact us. Our lineup currently consists of a female lead vocalist, a guitarist, a bassist, and a keyboardist (the latter three are all guys).

We're also looking towards writing our own originals soon and would especially love to have someone who would enjoy coming up with drum lines for all sorts of songs - upbeat, downtempo, ballads, etc. We love having creative people around! So if you love working through covers and yet have a heart for some songwriting and creative musicmaking, feel free to contact our vocalist Mayvis at madmayvy AT hotmail DOT com or me, the keyboardist Yan at buch_nachte AT hotmail DOT com. Looking forward to your replies! :D