Blackstar: Cock-rock? -


New member
Blackstar spent the last week of the holidays hitting our (bedroom) studio to lay down some tracks for our demo, we hope you like the songs!

If you like the songs, don't forget to vote for us on Channel V AMP!

All recording was done on my spanking new LG R405-S laptop, through a Line6 Toneport UX2 and Ableton Live. Hope the mixing and mastering is up to par, it's my first time doing any sort of extensive sound engineering and constructive feedback is much appreciated.


for Blackstar.
Haha sorry for the very late reply, but thanks for the comments!

Anyone has anything to comment about the quality/listenability of the recordings themselves? Even if it's something like 'the guitar tone sucked' or least I'll know not to use those patches again haha.
thanks shred! everything i learnt, i learnt from the internet. haha, no really..i did a bit of homework and ta-da! instant home recording. (ok not instant, just mixing and mastering each track took me about 5-8 hours per song? not all at one go, of course)

if you let me know what your recording setup is, or give me specific questions, i'll try to answer them to the best of my ability. i must state that i am in no way trained to be a sound engineer..just speaking from a layman's point of view! (:

cheers! i just prettified the myspace page layout yesterday so have a look if you haven't already...and don't forget to vote for us at !
Programmed drums? :roll:

Nice sounds on the guitar, yet, IMO, playing a bit stiff on that riff.

All in All it sounds really good guys. Keep it up.
haha badger you're sharp! no money to hit the studio to record drums live, so i programmed them. not easy to get them to sound realistic, was too much work so after awhile i just stopped trying to tweak them.

hey, 'stiff on that riff'..that rhymes! okay i'll feedback to the guitarists. (:

cheers, keep 'em coming!
I like the guitar and the bass sounds. What bass is your bassist using? I reckon it should be a P.

Vocals are a lil too gnarly for me, but the quality of them are undoubted.

Keep it up! :D
rylche, actually he's using an Ibanez Ergodyne EDB700 bass. but i think a lot of the tone you hear is actually from the Line6 software so that's why it's hard to tell sometimes!