Hi, donno if anybody discussed this before, but what's the biggest bass amp you've tried? In terms of size, sound and wattage? Brand, model, sound, experience, etc.... ?
I used to run a BBE B-Max preamp > SWR Stereo 800 > 2x Lab Systems 410HLC.
Then I downsized (sorta) to a Eden WT550 > Eden D610XLT (6x10) when I got my Eden representation programme.
However the biggest festival amp I've played thru was at New Years' Eve last year at Gloucester Park racecourse in Perth. 2 SVTs into 2 Ampeg Classic 8x10s. Now that was loud...so thankful I wasn't the one setting it all up.
I feel that post-Fender takeover, the price has gone up without much significant increase in spec, aside from the obvious cosmetic overhaul. And besides, Steve Rabe is long retired but still, the Goliath is one of the pioneers of the 4x10 trend, and very highly regarded.