Best value beginner electric guitar! repost


New member
Hi Guys,( This is a repost)

Finally got the Timbre Sr200 Sunburst electric guitar ytd from SV Guitars.
For begginners like me, or maybe even you, price is always a factor that we consider while not compromising the quality of the instrument.

Hence, this is my assessment for the Timbre Sr200.

1. Tone quality
The tone quality for this guitar is pretty amazing for a mere $200+. Sat down and tested both this guitar and a Mexico Fender strat. Guess what. THE TONE QUALITY IS PRETTY MUCH THE SAME. probably becos of the fact that it is completely modelled after the fender strat. Neck pickup has a really sweet rounded tone good for blues rock and all. But the bridge pickup for distortion shows you why fender is so much more pricey.

2. Price
A timbre sr200, 10 watt timbre amp, whammy bar, strap, electric tuner and picks. These are all included in the package for only $320. People who are more brand conscious may prefer to buy Squire Affinity. Tested that one also. The tone for this guitar doesn't sound as 'full' as the timbre sr200. When i asked then why is it so expensive, the ans i got was:" the brand lor"

I'm not saying that this is the best electric guitar. I'm saying it is one that's worth investing for beginners before you move on to the big boys. It'll probably last you a good year or two before it starts warping. For the benefit of the doubt, Timbre is a Singapore brand by SV Guitars.

Rock on people! I'm Lovin It
It's not necessarily only a beginner's instrument either, I must add. A friend of mine simply changed the pickups, and used it for church services. That must mean something. The alder body does make it more similar to a Fender, considering that Squiers use either agathis or basswood which sound different (darker and warmer).

But even without the change of pickups, I did try a stock model once and it was pretty good. :cool:

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