Behringer Warehouse in Australia Burn Down !!!

Imagine all that guitar gears gone to waste. If they had passed them to me, I would certainly be another Van Halen in the making. Alamak what a waste
i'm waiting for this thread to be a "gears doesnt make you into Halen,n00b" :lol:

ok on a serious note..
thats just dead unlucky...maybe they will make a clearance sale...good business for those who know how to repair pedals/guitars/amps in australia...but if its too damaged...then cnt la
An old trick in the industry is to over declare/insure the amount of the actual cost, than cause a "mishap" to your goods. Than the insurance company has to pay.
You cant over estimate by too much.....If they check your accounts and find out then you'll kanna sue.....
boss got angry when they found out behringer is making half assed copy of their products and decided to send arsonists to burn the house down.
maybe it's a conspiracy theory. the management of behringer, knowing of the trouble they would get because of forging so many pedals (kana sued), decided to destroy the evidence. but cant lah, got ppl have their pedals around the world liao. hahaha.

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