Speaking from personal experience,
Cort's build quality is consistent. However when the guitars reach the stores and adapts to our climate the factory setup is usually quite out of whack with high action and a slightly warped neck. Otherwise the construction is fairly good. I've played the Earth Grand, Earth Mini, and particularly favour the L100C.
Maestro is hit and miss. Am currently using a ED-2 that i've borrowed from a friend. It sounds good but the construction is crap. Frets are not inserted properly nor filed down properly at the sides, the rosewood not filed properly causing the radius of the fretboard to be slightly uneven. Maestro is inconsistent, but some guitars still manage to shine.
4 out of 5 times I walk into Maestro to try a mid-range priced guitar it doesn't seem to fair very well.
Then again we can say the same thing about Cort guitars or any guitar that that is not set up well.
Sometimes the right one comes to you, other times you'll have to search for it, and yet other times you may find one with the potential to be great that only just needs a little set up work for it to shine.
Take into consideration whether you need a guitar with on-board preamp pickup or without. Because if you buy one without the pickup and decide that you actually need one then you'll have to shop for a aftermarket pickup / perform modifications to insert a pickup.
I would recommend Swee Lee Katong for a good range of acoustic to try from and also Luthermusic for their attention and detail to setting up the acoustic guitars making them very very playable
before they put it up for sale.
I wish you all the best in finding the right one.