beginner guitar


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Craftsman GS200 for first guitar?

HI i am currently getting into electric guitars basically starting to learn. I was looking around for a new entry level guitar to start on and i noticed the GS200 by Craftsman. was just wondering would it be a good entry level guitar? i like how it looks like a les paul and the color of it. and the price of 259 during the upcoming end year sale sounds reasonable. does it qualify for the starter package as well?

Thanks for any help! =D
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You could consider getting a used guitar. It's cheaper and the resale value would be better. Even if you think you made the wrong choice, the "tuition fees" wouldn't be that expensive if you get what I mean :) .
yeah.. for a first guitar, you may consider 2nd hand guitars, better resale value. cos i'm sure you will upgrade as you get better or you will sell it when you think guitar is not for you. anyway, i just got my first guitar today! Ibanez RGA 42 @ $500. :D
Only issue with buying used, is that, being a beginner, you're more easily bluffed by dishonest sellers... so must be cautious and ideally have a more experienced player to accompany you. But yeah buying a used guitar does save a lot of cash. Note that I'm not saying you shouldn't buy a brand new Craftsman. If you go ahead with brand new, you can't go wrong with Craftsman as your first electric. They're good for the little money you pay for 'em. :)