

sorry but does anyone knows where to get dvd or vcd for the beck anime or any ohter anime or videos about music.tanx
omg, i love that anime.
sadly, you would need to import it in.

its a rare anime to find, i tried to finding it.
the songs are great, especially full moon sway.
im so in love with the beat crusaders, wish they came to singapore.
whoa beck mongolian chop squad... thats an awesome anime. makes me want to play guitar in a rock band... wait, i do play guitar in a rock band.

you can get your beck-related merchandise here:

the english dubbed version is a bit lame tho... the japanese with subtitles feels much better. plus they dont dub out all the english bad words haha. and all the english-speaking characters really talk damn funny.

feel like getting the soundtrack... hehe... mm tempting. the dying breed song that they feature in the end credits features a few members of the brilliant green, and andy bell on vocals, how cool is that!
They really emphasis on the details of the guitar, you can even see les paul's signature and the word "standard"on the truss rod cover. Really nice anime!
I watched the 26 episodes and must say it's one of the best animes I've watched. Awesome music, animation and storyline. I really loved the entire flow of the story, but immensely disappointed by the short length of the anime series! Really hope that they would put forth more episodes. I really like Beck's type of music! Chiba is a really good frontman. 8)

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