hey, erm i have thoughts of getting this bass. but i noe very little about it. does anyone know anything about this bass or bc rich basses in general? thank you in advance.
i dont know much, but it seems that the wood is basically the same? even for signature models? virgin four, i never try....but i think...you've really got to try it for yourself?
haha. i see.. but there is one small proble. i cant find any dealer of that model in SG. i didnt see this model at davis. ( havent ask though ) other than davis is there any other dealer of bc rich guitars in SG?
^ NO. As a BC Rich lover / collector myself, i'm afraid we have to make do with what Davis has to offer. Maybe you can do a once-in-a-while shipping from overseas.
too bad davis only offer those few basses from bc rich. lols. i almost almost got the pfg signature bass, too bad no money then buy another cheaper one.