BC Rich guitars


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anyone have tried playing the bc rich guitars? I need to know how the sound of it in metal ,clean...
Yea, i need a full review of it. where can it be found and how much does it cost?
the price is about 3xx dollars for basic warlocks (wartribe, revenge, etc) and gets higher with better hardware and stuff
B.C. Rich fan here.

You might wanna start looking around YouTube for vids of the guitars. But take note that many, many models are not offered locally. Might wanna consider ordering online.

The Bronze Series will be good to start off with, some going for around 200+ to 300. Just make sure that if you get guitars from this series, get some upgrades on it. If you wanna jump straight into the mid to high-end series, you can look at the NJ Series. They got good stuffs there.

Best of luck.
Yeah Davis is the only authorised local dealer, but their stocks are pretty limited, especially the lower end stuff. I wanted to buy a Mockingbird Masterpiece in Dragon's Blood finish but they only have it in Black, and they said they cannot specially order a specific model unless its in the high-end price range, as the lower-end ones are called "Production lines" and even they can't confirm what BC Rich will send them. Aww well, as much as I love Davis, I have to order mine from Musician's Friend. Best advice I can give is, go to Davis and check the BC Rich guitars out, even if they don't have the specific finish that you want, just try it, know how it feels (whether its neck-heavy or not etc), decide if you really want it, then if Davis don't have the specific finish you want, order online. But if can buy from Davis of course its better.
Hello people, as said Davis offers some of the BC Rich's guitars, may I know what is the rough pricing for the guitars? Five-Six hundred?
Depends on what model you are looking at. Mockingbird Masterpiece ($395), Warlock Revenge ($350), ASM Standard ($395), are the lower ends. Higher up will be Mockingbird ST ($680), Mockingbird Special X ($680), KKV 2 ($680). The rest I cannot remember haha
Oh I see.. Wow thanks man! This really helps me a lot!! Planning to get a new guitar so thought about check this brand out. Probably gonna just try them out in stores soon if possible.. Anyway do they have Iron Bird as well?
No problem! Fellow BC Rich fan here, so I'm always checking davis out for their BC Rich. Iron Bird... Hmm last time I went, I don't remember seeing. Hmm you can try out their LTD's too! But must try first because LTD tend to use XJ frets for their lower ends, which is why I prefer using my BC Rich unless the song I wanna play is full of bends, then I use LTD. Loving my BC Rich Mockingbird for the jumbo frets and the 24 5/8 scale length, and the comfort.
Haha glad for the help here man! Oh i see, seems like you've tried a lot of guitars huh.. I'm still new to guitar so I think I've only been playing with my 25.5 scale length with XJ frets.. Wanted to try how different scale length and fret feels like and I saw BC Rich. Also wanted to try floyd rose out haha. Initially was looking on Schecter models and suddenly I ventured out and saw this so yeah.. Anyway, how is the sounding like? Only metal? Or it is has some pretty good clean sounding? Let's take your Mockingbird for example? Haha thanks for the help man =)
Haha cos I buy my gear with my own money so I'm very careful with how I spend and what I buy cos I'm still a student, must try everything and like it 100% before spending. I'm new too! As in I've never taken lessons before, can only play those simple songs and stuff. I used to have a BC Rich ASM Standard, which had a floyd rose. Not too bad for a licensed floyd rose, but the hardware rusted pretty quickly, about 1 year. And I'm very careful with taking care of my gear too, so that says something. The Rockfield Mafia pickups on that ASM Standard is nice for heavy distortion if you ask me. I just received my mockingbird in the mail yesterday, sounds very smooth and round (maybe because of the heavy strings it came with, not sure gauge 11 or 12 but definitely higher than gauge 10)! Works well for lead-playing but not the sound I want for power chords. Which doesnt matter cos I'm planning to change pickups anyway haha. But I love the scale length! You're welcome bro :) Anyway, any good places to recommend for 1 to 1 guitar lessons? I decided that I wanna start taking it seriously. But of course drums would be my top priority!
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I see I see.. Hmm, not looking too much at BC Rich ASM Standard but thanks for the quick review! Now I roughly know how licensed floyd rose quality is haha. So you mean davis allow people to just walk in to try the guitars out if they aren't too busy I suppose? Never really have the courage to ask for a try on the guitar haha, maybe cause I don't have intention to buy it yet, but yeah, I've finally saved up! Okay sounds cool for mockingbird, hopefully I'll get to try it.. So you play drums as your main? =) Good to see that you're interested in music theory haha. Err I haven't been taking lessons for 2years already I think? As my teacher went overseas to study and I just stop where I was then. I was learning at Bukit batok before at the school name music concerto I think (should be something like that as i forgot) I think it's still there so I hope this will at least be a bit of help?? Sorry if i can't help much =(
No problem man! Hmm but my mockingbird is string-through with Tune-o-matic, so if you're looking for floyd rose you gotta go with the Mockingbird ST (or the Pro X *drools*). Yup Davis allows, but they'll paste this blue plastic sheet as a makeshift "pickguard" so that the person trying won't scratch the finish with a pick. Go on weekdays afternoons haha, those are the less busy times. I went around 4 or 5 last last wed, there was only 1 customer in the shop. Yup I play drums as my main! I see... Cool I'll check that out, thanks! Haha I wanna pick up a melodic instrument, and I've always been interested in guitar so yeah!
Mockingbird looks really sweet man, definitely will check it out! ;) Hope I won't give them too much trouble on trying too many guitars out haha! Glad to be of some help hah.. Thanks for all the information you've provided man! Really helped me a lot.. All the best in your guitar learning dude! Cheers! =)
I have a B.C. Rich Warlock Revenge, bought it for $350 at Davis, feels good for its price definantly, has a great metal tone, and quite a decent clean sound, coming out my Roland cube 15. It has a 12" fretboard radius(quite average, rounder than Ibanez, flatter than Fender). I might even consider trading for another guitar(trying to leave metal behind)...
I have a B.C. Rich Warlock Revenge, bought it for $350 at Davis, feels good for its price definantly, has a great metal tone, and quite a decent clean sound, coming out my Roland cube 15. It has a 12" fretboard radius(quite average, rounder than Ibanez, flatter than Fender). I might even consider trading for another guitar(trying to leave metal behind)...

Haha I was comtemplating that purchase! Saw the Warlock Revenge in transparent finish with a nice grain when I went down a few weeks ago. Did the $350 come with a gigbag?

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