Bassist and Vocalist wanted!


New member
looking for a bassist and a vocalist!

influences: Protest the hero, periphery, BTBAM, Dream theater many other bands as well, basically not your usual metal stuff.

if you are a vocalist singing post hardcore stuff feel free to just pm as well

if you are interested, feel free to pm your influences and introduce a little about yourself

or drop me a sms at

we will try jamming some covers first and set the direction of the band before proceeding to write original materials:p
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Hi, Natsu here.

If I have to list some of the more relevant bands I enjoy it would be SOAD, The Gazette and Maximum The Hormone.
I can pull off most SOAD and Gazette but if I were to give a more accurate description of what my voice can carry it would be closer to Abingdon Boys School.

I can sing in Jap, English and Chinese. :)