bass thru guitar amp


New member
Hi guys!

Just want to check if there is any conventional wisdom on using a bass guitar with a normal guitar amp. Will it kill the speakers?

Thanks in advance!
NO !

dont do it ! forgot to tell u when i sold u the bass. should have mentioned it , my fault entirely

DONT DO IT. a bass has lower frequencies and when u use it on a guitar amp you Might TEAR the speaker cone. dont dont dont use it.

a guitar on bass amp is OK because bass amps have a wider frequencies range and can replicate brighter / higher notes due to a tweeter. but the inverse is impossible and using a bass is likely to tear ur guitar amp's speaker cone due to the inability to reproduce the bass notes clearly
BlackMoo said:
How bout Microphone -> Guitar Amp.

hmm no idea , wouldnt recommend it .

best ask the professionals about that , like MIKEMANN !

hmmz but i do know of some really mid-range to high end acoustic amps that allow u to plug in a mike and sing along as u play leh . i read somewhere that roland cube amps allow u to do tt too.
Haha.... :D Anything also can as long as you know the limit. Which when it comes to humans, the best advise is to stick to what it's built for. Meaning a guitar amp for a electric guitar, a bass amp for a bass guitar and a PA system for vocals.

The thing here is voicing. Which means each kind of amp is built with voicing range to suit the purpose. Some can be used of a variety of instrument, while others solely for it's own purpose.

If you put a bass on a guitar amp, you won't have the low punchy sound required, and to compensate that you pump up the volume. Result, you could drive the amp over it's limit and damage it.

If you use a guitar on a bass amp, it could sound muddy and boomy, or it could sound alright clean. Not likely you can get many useful sound settings, as the amp normally does not have overdrive channel and reverb.

A PA can be used for vocals, bass (thru DI), acoustic guitar and keyboard... so quite versatile, as it's what we call a "Full Range" system. But when you plug an electric guitar direct to it, very diffficult to get the right tone. So normally we put a mic at the guitar amp to feed to the PA.

Cheers Softies :wink:
hey there,

Bass thru guitar amp, depends on the power of the guitar amp, usually you wouldn't really get the tone you want. Most of the time you'd get distortion (due to the inappropriate handling of frequencies) so it's highly not recommended. You wouldn't like it.. I know, I've tried it before :)
i might sound out of topic here but if lets say you wanna use a laptop as a seperate instrument like lets say a synthesizer, do u plug the laptop to a guitar amp or use a DI box and plug it into the PA, which is better?
i would say laptop thru DI to PA, i've never heard of laptop to guitar amp. or maybe i'm too inexperienced. 2cents worth :P

either that or buy some really bigass speakers and connect to laptop heh
yeah that's right. DI the laptop to the PA and parallel out to a keyboard amp or stage monitors.
great viewpoints...

Guess i'll stick to the guitar amp at low volumes for practise and bear with the un-bassiness of the sound till i feel frustrated enuff to go spend more dough on a bass amp :)

btw Stars, the buzzing is gone after adjusting the thrust rod a bit.
metalman said:
great viewpoints...

Guess i'll stick to the guitar amp at low volumes for practise and bear with the un-bassiness of the sound till i feel frustrated enuff to go spend more dough on a bass amp :)

btw Stars, the buzzing is gone after adjusting the thrust rod a bit.

side-tracking: this ibanez amp, its diminutive being aside, is a decent practice amp to own. used units go for about $80.

subversion said:
metalman said:
great viewpoints...

Guess i'll stick to the guitar amp at low volumes for practise and bear with the un-bassiness of the sound till i feel frustrated enuff to go spend more dough on a bass amp :)

btw Stars, the buzzing is gone after adjusting the thrust rod a bit.

side-tracking: this ibanez amp, its diminutive being aside, is a decent practice amp to own. used units go for about $80.


I have that amp. I'll sell it off when I get a new amp.
u sure can use it.. of u are talking about a small prictice amp, anything will do. seriously. if u but a 10-20W amp, they actually use the same type if cone, but diff pre amp. maybe diff EQ with extra precence or a twweeter... but only limits to practice amp... very sure...
yeh...that ibanez amp is quite good. I was impressed that something so small can play alongside the drums in a home studio and be heard.