Before thinking of what strings to buy, you should really think about what kind of tone you’re looking for.
There are three general types of strings:
1) Roundwounds - These are less forgiving to your fingers, and tend to have a brighter sound. Most widely used of the three, I think. Some famous bassists who use roundwounds would be Flea and maybe John Paul Jones.
2) Flatwounds - On the other side of the spectrum lies Flatwounds. These strings are smooth and silky, and are easier on your fingers. Tone-wise, they are generally mellow and deep. They tend to last longer as well. Some famous players who used Flats would be John Deacon and James Jamerson.
3) Groundwound/halfwound - In the middle between Rounds and Flats. This is true in terms of tone, playability and longetivity.
After deciding on the type of strings to get, you should think about the gauge. Thicker gauges usually have a great tone and sound thicker, but are definitely harder to play. If you tune down often, you should get a thicker gauge too.
So what strings should you get?
Sorry to disappoint you, but there really isn’t any conclusive answers!
Go out, try as many strings as you can. It may sound expensive, but the forums at allows you to trade strings easily. Perhaps as a headstart, I’d just recommend you a few strings to look at:
1) Roundwounds - DR Hi-beams, Thomastik Infield Jazz Roundwounds, Rotosound Swing 66
2) Flatwounds - Sadowsky Blacks, Thomastik Infield Jazz Flats, La Bella Deep Talkin’, GHS Brite Flats
3) Halfwounds - I don’t have much experience with these though, so I really have nothing to offer.
Like I said, go out and try them strings!
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