Bass player wanted for Originals Band

Hi peeps,

We are The Powderfuls and we need a bass player as our current one is relocating in August. We play mainly English alternative rock/pop

Looking for someone who is competent enough to compose his/her own basslines, has a good sense of groove and confident enough to gig. Also you must be able to commit to weekly jams and songwriting sessions. We try to jam weekly (weekday nights) but do take the occasional breaks to travel/spend time with family etc.

Current age range of the band is 30-42. Current line up includes Vox, Keys, Guitar, Drums and Bass. All matured, easing-going, sensible, polite, punctual adults with a love for animals, original music and playing together as a band. Please don't apply if you can't even turn up on time for jam sessions.

We have about 10 original songs in our list at the moment and will write more after our gig at the end of the month.

If you are genuinely keen please send your demos/recordings and self-intro to or contact (WA or Sms) 98156992.

cheers and have a great day!

Chin Yuen