Bass Drum Independence


New member
Hello fellow drummers! i've got a problem and its BASS DRUM INDEPENDENCE! tAdaaa!

if i wanna play the bass on the 3 e & a, my right hand on the HH will follow i have problem keeping the right hand going constant at 3 & .
feels like my right hand and feet is linked lol

Any tips and excercise to work on?
split your hands and legs.

trying playing only leg,
then only hands,
then only left hand and left leg,
left hand and right leg,
right hand and left leg,
right hand and right leg,
left hand and both legs,
right hand and both legs.

well you get the idea
First, bring your practice speed DOWN!! To at least 50BPM.

Then, work in parts first. Let's say you are trying to play on the "e" of 3:-

First practice this pattern: R F R F (R= Right Hand, F= Foot) and count in 16ths eg. 1 e n a 2 e n a. Practice this pattern and try to internalize the PHYSICAL feeling of it while counting OUT ALOUD.

Then when you are comfortable, practice this: R-R-R-R- RFR-R-R-
---------------------------------------------------- 1ena2ena3ena4ena

(the alignment of the count is a bit off, but just remember that the "-" in the pattern are the "e" & "a"s.

As you approach the '3en' area, try to remember how it felt physical when you were playing the first pattern....R F R F...KEEP COUNTING THE 16ths. It feels hard at first but if you keep persisting, it can help the transitions between the different note values more accurate.

Then after you are comfortable with that, put in the left hand on 2 & 4. Record yourself too, to check if your right hand 8ths are consistent.

Good Luck!
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