Bass distortion


New member
hey guys i want to buy a bass distortion but i got no idea abt the brands that are out there.anyone hav any recommendations?
well i'm currently using a boss bass overdrive, love the sound it just flows well for me, and i'm also using an electro harmonix russian big muff for that heavy grunge fuzzy sound. 8).

Just test out various pedals and see which one you like :wink:
yup boss bass overdrive is real cool tool to have.
i have one, but now i've changed to MXR D.I. althought it doesn't produce the sound the overdrive has.
if you want in your face distortion, as in, really hardcore metal-like distortion, then the boss bass overdrive's for you.

however, i feel that the odb-3 is a tad too noisy when maxed out for the metal distortion, and for subtle distortions, it just sounds very plastic/fake (ok, i'm not too good at describing sounds) Just that something is done to the low end, kindof muddies it quite a bit

i reccomand an xotic bass bb preamp tho, if you;'re into light distortion. Minimal to almost no noise, very transparent, good stuff
I tried the BB Bass Preamp at Ebenex recently and it sounded pretty all right, but to my ears it can't beat the Sansamp Bassdriver DI's drive.
i've actually tried with my friend's sansamp before. it actually kinda enhances your tone. either make it more bright or mellow. however, i chose the MXR, (for the distoration) yea baby, but gosh the MXR is heavy... and weights like a brick...
nevercon: a/b it with a trex bass juice as well! never heard it in action, but mabbe you can give a review of whether it justifies its price