bass amp


New member
hello can anyone recommend me a cheap and good bass amp?

also tell me the price and where can i get it...

budget around $200..

i'm using a Peavey MicroBass, got it at SweeLee 4 $200, decent amp, if u got a 5 stringer, it may not amplify the B-String well enuf, onli flaw is dat, dere's no line out.
5stringedsoul said:
i'm using a Peavey MicroBass, got it at SweeLee 4 $200, decent amp, if u got a 5 stringer, it may not amplify the B-String well enuf, onli flaw is dat, dere's no line out.

yeah,this amp damn good for 4 string and suit a fender/squier bass well =)
my fren uses a Kustom, he's ok wif it, 4 a 10 watt, itz under $200, he got it at bras basah, dunno which shop tho.. not too sure bout smarvo, i used the amp when i tested my bass b4 buying it, compared to the peavey, i prefer the peavey.