bass amp recommendationfor 5 strings


New member
hi all,

is it true that not all bass amp can accomodate the low sound on the 5 string bass??

so,...i have to buy a new bass amp??
any good recomendation? just a practice amp.

Thanks a lot!
i think its a matter of power/wattage... weaker amps (i practiced thru a 10w and a cheap 25w before) distorted the low notes. even the low e lost its definition.. not to mention anything below that.

im currently using a laney hardcore max too n a small ampeg combo.. laney gd bang for buck at tt price. i prefer e ampeg tone wise tho :)
i got my 65 watt baby for 180 at swee lee sale last year. yea it's true that 10 - 25 watts are generally not that good. laneys are worth every last buck. my friend's amp's now whack after tryin to compete with drums and the rest in terms of volume.