BANDS WANTED...For Free Video Recording


New member
Posted the info below earlier and got some response some bands are not able confirm with the schedule...

I will be recording this saturday 20th March 2010.

Two slots available 4-6pm and 6-8pm. Please respond ASAP before the slots are taken. 8-10pm slot is confirmed this sat.


You will be recorded with a HighDef handycam.
Audio will be sent thru a mixer, Drums miked up, guitars either line in or miked. Final mix sent to video camera.

Quality of audio would be something similar to what I did for my own band . Video will be shot with camera in motion.

Email to ( or ( with

Name of Band:
Number of Members:
Instruments Used:
Links to website:
Audio Samples:
Contact H/P:
Email Id:

Bands will be selected based on quality of music and tighness of band. The 5 chosen bands will be of different genre.

Terms and Conditions

1. Each song will be allowed 3 takes and the best take will be chosen from it.

2. The bands will be recorded at TIET Studio. Owner of TIET has generously offered for us to use his facility for this purpose.

3. The bands are required to pay for studio use for a minimum of 2 hours for the video recording.

4. Setup and sound check will be for about 45mins.

5. A link to the video will be given for you to embed and use on your bands website and promotion.

6. A logo/contact of MusicCameraAction will be added as credits in front and back of the video.

Interested bands please let me know if you are availalbe to record this saturday 20th March 4-6 pm or 6-8pm slot.

Please write to me if you are interested to record at a later date/time.
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Love what your band does. Awesome stuff.

Thanks dude..if you are referring to my band that is .hahah:D

If your band is still keen let me know..surprisingly there are two slots open :)

4-6pm and 6-8pm

Please send in your particulars.

Email to ( or ( with

Name of Band:
Number of Members:
Instruments Used:
Links to website:
Audio Samples:
Contact H/P:
Email Id:
Any takers??

Make use of this opportunity to record a video demo for free. Only 5 bands from
SOFT will be recorded.

Only need to pay for studio.

Sat 20th March 4-6pm and 6-8pm slot is available.

I've had quite a few responses but they are not able to make it for this schedule.
Anyone interested? 4-6pm slot is still not taken. :)

Hi I'm still looking for 2 bands to record for free. Only pay for the studio.

Its tomorrow. 4-6pm and 6-8pm

I've had last min cancellations.

Call or sms me: 8126 8553

For those who missed this offer!! Up for grabs :)

Anyone?? :)