Bands required for February Gig!

Dear Softies,

Neoteric Entertainment is back again to bring you our latest event!

Gig: Felicity
Date: 8th of February 2013

Applications are now open!

Please send your band information in the following format:

1. Band Name
2. Name of ALL Band Members and their respective roles
3. Genre of Music
4. Short Description/Band History
5. Any audio or visual content for us to look through (if any)
6. List of past performance experience (if any)
7. In the case that you do not have any audio or visual material, we would love to crash your jamming session to hear you out!

Send in your applications to NOW!

Read on for the concept behind Felicity!

" They say ‘Music is the key to the soul’…

This February, join us in celebrating the spirit of Valentines through music! Come and share your music with everyone or even serenade your special someone on stage! love

So if you wish to join in on the celebration of love or would just like to show the world what you have, this is for you!"



Jared Michael
Events & Band Management
Neoteric Entertainment
Last edited:
Dear Softies,

Once again, Felicity is an open-genre musical event. However, due to the romantic celebratory nature of this event, we may be a tiny bit choosy in terms of the lyrical contents. We do not expect to bore the audience with love songs throughout the duration of the event, however we do wish to see lyrical content that is close to the heart, as we are actually celebrating Valentine's.

We want to see bands that wish to share pieces and precious moments of their lives through original music. Of course, you may do covers, there's no limitations. We want to give the bands the platform to be able to do this. We are currently confirming the location and will release it as soon as we're sure of it.

In our quest to promote the local bands, we've met many inspiring bands, seen many entertaining band videos, heard many interesting original audios, and we've never been happier to be able to organise events such as Felicity.

We hope to continue receiving your tremendous support, and keep sending your applications!

One thing you do not need to be afraid of is this: if your band does not have prior stage experience, there's no problem. We are here to provide the beginning to your stage experiences. We will crash your jamming to hear you out if you do not have any audio or visual to offer us because we firmly believe unseen and unheard talents are lurking in every corner of our sunny island. We hope that by crashing your jamming session, we can watch you guys be who you are and hear the music that you have to offer. If we like what we see, we'll definitely get back to you with our side of the story.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM us on Soft, reply to this thread, or preferably, e-mail us at Please refer to the above post to find out what we want from you, and don't wait, send in your details now!


Jared Michael
Events & Band Management
Neoteric Entertainment
Dear Softies,

First of all, Selamat Hari Raya (Belated)! All of us at Neoteric hope that everyone had a great Hari Raya! We took the time to rest a bit before we continue with our work. Now that we're back in business, keep sending in your applications!

Don't be afraid, don't be shy. We want as many bands as possible to give us an opportunity to meet them, get to know them, and ideally provide them a stage to perform in. Many might be under the assumption that we will forget bands that did not make the cut for one or two of our events due to ill timing or late submissions, but that's absolutely wrong! We keep track of each and every band that e-mails us. Sometimes we run out of slots, sometimes the genre doesn't fit, but we work around this and plan for events where we may be able to fit these talented bands in.

So do send us your applications! No rush, our applications this time will be open for at least a month, and we will constantly update this page with more information as we go along.

If you think your friend's band deserves a place to perform, do refer them! Some bands are too shy! Give them the little push they need to kick ass on stage!

With that, thank you all for your time and continuous support thus far, and we hope you guys have a great week ahead (it's only 4-days long this time, isn't it, hooray!)


Jared Michael
Events & Band Management
Neoteric Entertainment
Dear Softies,

Some details that we've confirmed:

1. Bands will be given 30 minutes inclusive of set-up time
2. There will be activities between several sets of bands
3. Bands will be able to take part in these Valentine's Day special activities.

More details on the activities will be released on a later date once it becomes more concrete. In the mean time, keep sending in your applications! We'd love to answer any question that you may have, so feel free to contact us!


Jared Michael
Events & Band Management
Neoteric Entertainment
Dear Softies,

We've confirmed the location for Felicity, The Substation! We're partnering up with The Substation to bring you guys awesome gigs! We're definitely excited with this new partnership and we hope you musicians can support us in our cause too!

Our applications for Felicity will be kept open for an indefinite amount of time and I'll bring more updates as we confirm them. Do keep sending your applications in by e-mailing them to!


Jared Michael
Events & Band Management
Neoteric Entertainment
Dear Softies,

Applications for Felicity is still open! We'll only close it at the end of October. We've been busy planning for Deliverance II and making final arrangements, but we're ready to turn our attention back to Felicity.

We're looking for plenty of new bands that can help make this show happen, so please drop us an e-mail with your band information and any audio or visual content that you may have. E-mail us at now!

Do like our Facebook page:;
and follow us on our twitter page:;

Thank you all for the tremendous response. Deliverance II is just a few days away and we hope you can join us in the fun! Tickets are still on sale till Thursday, 9 pm. So if you wanna check us out and the bands we've selected, do come by! Reserve your tickets on our Facebook page NOW!


Jared Michael
Events & Band Management
Neoteric Entertainment
Dear Softies,

Deliverance II was a fantastic experience for us, with many bands saying it was one of their best performance ever. Neoteric Entertainment is extremely proud of the bands who played their hearts out. We had a spectacular time organising and executing our very first event.

To all those who attended Deliverance II, we hope you had a good experience. There were several technical difficulties, but thankfully they were resolved.

We are back with our full attention on Felicity, which is due on the 8th of February. We have shortlisted a couple of amazing bands who have applied, and we're truly impressed by the quality of the talents in Singapore.

We hope you continue to send in your band applications to us! We've set up a separate e-mail address, so please send your details in to

We look forward to receiving and reviewing your applications! On another note, our Twitter name has changed to

Thank you all for your time and support and we look forward to listening to your band!


Shirley Tan
Events & Band Management
Neoteric Entertainment
Dear Softies,

This is a huge update for us at Neoteric Entertainment.

Felicity's date has been changed to the 2nd of February, 2013 (Saturday). It will start at 1 pm and end around 10 pm. There will be a showcase of Musical Talents, Dance Performances, Theatre Plays and Couple Games to bring the event to life! Felicity will be held at the Play Den, The Arts House.

A bigger piece of news is that on the 8th of February, 2013 (Friday), we will be hosting another gig at the Substation Theatre. It will be a gig which is themed around love but is open-genre. It doesn't matter if you are a hard rock band singing about love or a metal core band singing about heart break, we will accept you, provided you guys are good enough!

We are strict on quality this time, and though we accept bands of all backgrounds, we do so by ensuring that their performance quality is good, which is why we request for bands to drop us their audio or visuals to get a better idea of who they are and what kind of music they play. We also understand that it is inevitable that bands may not have any video or audio content, therefore we do not mind crashing your jamming sessions to hear you out. This process would help us a ton in short listing bands.

So in summary, Neoteric Entertainment will be hosting TWO events in February! Apply now by e-mailing us at We will be e-mailing you the details of each event once they are ready. Kindly include the following information in your e-mail application:

1. Band Name & Genre
2. Number of Members, Names of all Members and their respective roles
3. History of the band
4. Performance Experiences
5. Any Audio or Visual Content
6. Contact number for us to reach you

Thank you for reading and we hope to work together with your band in our events. In the name of spreading music, rock on!


Shirley Tan
Events & Band Management
Neoteric Entertainment
Dear Softies,

As I have mentioned in my earlier post, we will have two gigs available in February to showcase your talent! Below are the details that we have thus far:

Date: 2nd February 2013
Time: 1 pm to 10 pm
Location: Play Den, The Arts House
Genre: Restricted
Description: Themed around Valentine's Day to celebrate the month of love, we are infusing music, dance, theatre play and plenty of games to make Felicity an event to remember. Fret not, it isn't just focused around couples. Singles can have plenty of fun too!

Date: 8th February 2013
Time: 4 pm to 11 pm
Location: Theatre, The Substation
Genre: Not Restricted
Description: Also themed around love, with bands expected to play at least 1 love song to keep with the theme of love. Other than that, bands will be sharing the stage with one another performing music of their choice and genre, with no restrictions on genre, originals or covers. Anything is welcome because it will be a fun night!

All interested bands can e-mail us at for more event. If you have general queries, kindly reach us at

Our applications will be left open as we require a large pool of bands to cater to both events. We are being strict on the quality this time round for Felicity, as it will be an overall Valentine's Day Event rather than just an ordinary gig. More details as we get by!


Shirley Tan
Events & Band Management
Neoteric Entertainment
I had sent a band video of my band Soul Museum from my id .
We would be interested more in the gig on 8th. Thanks

- - - Updated - - -

I had sent a band video of my band Soul Museum from my id .
We would be interested more in the gig on 8th. Thanks
Dear Softies,

Thank you all for the overwhelming response. The music scene is alive and kicking and we're really happy that we're a part of it all! A huge thank you all the bands that have been e-mailing us and taking time to introduce themselves.

Our applications for Felicity & Euphonic will close on Friday, the 23rd of November. We are in the final stages of our short-listing process, reviewing a little over 80 bands for Felicity & Euphonic combined. It's tough to short list, but it must be done, therefore we're trying hard to organise more events to accommodate the many more bands that we are unable to choose but are great bands! Please send your final applications to now! Don't wait! We regret to inform you that only short listed bands will be sent the invitational e-mail. New applicants will receive a reply from us nonetheless, but only short listed bands will receive invitations. We apologise beforehand in case we offend anyone with the lack of response.

We will be updating this space with more about Felicity & Euphonic, and will update this space when we open applications for a planned two-day June gig next year!

We look forward to all the great music that Singapore talents have to offer us. Thank you for the continued support and we appreciate all the comments we've received thus far. If you wish to drop us a message or have an inquiry, e-mail us at!

Thank you and god bless!


Shirley Tan
Events & Band Management
Neoteric Entertainment
Dear Softies,

Felicity applications are now closed, and here are the final details of Felicity:

Date: 2nd February 2013
Location: The Arts House

Tickets are now on sale, contact Neoteric Entertainment at to reserve your tickets or buy it online from

Moving on, Neoteric Entertainment will be hosting another event in June. We have yet to confirm a name for the event, but it will be held across two days in June; 21st and 22nd June 2013. We'll be posting more details about this two-day event on Soft Forums soon, but bands can apply right now by e-mailing the following details to

1. Name of Band
2. Name of Band Members & their Respective Positions
3. Genre of Band
4. History of the Band
5. Any Audio/Visual Recordings (don't worry about the quality, just send it in!)
6. Date to crash your Jamming Session if possible

Thank you for the tremendous support thus far, and we hope to see you at the Arts House on the 2nd of February 2013!


Shirley Tan
Events & Band Management
Neoteric Entertainment
Dear Softies,

This post is to address the many e-mails we have received where bands are applying for Euphonic, 8th of February. To clarify, this event has been changed to the following:

Felicity, 2nd February 2013, Arts House

We do not have any event on the 8th of February. Also, Euphonic has been indefinitely postponed due to the shortage of venues. Thank you for your kind understanding. With reference to the post above, we have opened applications for a two-day June event that has yet to be named.

We will be releasing a Soft post soon with more details about the June event. Thank you for the continuous support and we hope that more musicians will support our cause in stimulating the local music scene. Do like us on Facebook ( to be kept in the loop as to Neoteric Entertainment's activities.


Shirley Tan
Events & Band Management
Neoteric Entertainment