Bad Experience at a Guitar Shop


New member

I have bought an acoustic guitar about 2 mths ago. I have been hunting for a guitar for a long time and finally set my eyes on this guitar. Initially, the experience at this shop is good, the shop owner is friendly at that time and the guitars at the shop are in pretty good condition. When I bought the guitar, the shop owner claim that the guitar I bought is having a perfect setup in terms of actions etc. and told me that I can play first and if I find the setup no good enough, I can bring it back within a year to have it setup free. I was happy with my guitar and his service at that time.

My first bad experience actually came when I was paying for the guitar. He told me initially that when I buy from him, I could get the guitar bag at half price. But as I was paying, he raised it by $5 and ask me to let him earn a bit. At that time, I am ok with that although he didn't keep his promise.

I am a beginner and started to learn chords using the new guitar. While I was learning the barre chords, I find difficulty pressing the strings fully. I seek advice from friends and music teacher and the first thing they mentioned is that the actions was set too high. Thus, recently I went back to the shop to request to lower the actions.

The shop owner said that he will need to charge me $15 for the setup as he need to do some filing etc. When I told him that he has mentioned to me before that it will be free if I come back within a year for the setup, he told me that it is free only if the setup involved just the tuning of the truss rod. I didn't argue further as I just want the setup to be done properly.

When I came back 2 hours later and test the guitar, I still find the action abit high although it has been lowered. When I feedback this to the shop owner, his attitude changed and and commented that I was playing it wrongly. Thus, I asked him if he could show me how to do it the right way, he reluctantly show me and said that he had the guitar setup very well but when he played one of the barre chord, there is a buzz sound towards the end everytime. I ask him if he could play that chord again and asked him what causes the buzz sound, is it because the action is still abit high and thus, not able to press fully the strings, he flared up and started to ask me what is my problem and what is my motive to his shop and claim that I keep changing topic, at first complain about the actions then about the buzz sound. I tried to explained that I was not trying to change the topic and I thought the buzz sound when pressing a chord is related to the setup. I was just trying to know the reason for the buzz sound as that was what I was experiencing while I was learning and he being an expert, also produces that buzz sound. Thus, I was just trying to know if it is normal. However, he kept raising his voice at me and his attitude changed totally. At that moment, some customers came in and all of a sudden, he changed back his attitude and talked nicely to me with a 'smile'. It was so fake. I really couldn't describe how fake his smile could be.

I hope to hear advice from you whether the issue on the buzz sound when playing a chord is due to not able to press fully the strings and whether is it related to the setup?

Thank you.
maybe the guy doesnt know how to play properly...
but seriously, let your friends play it. if it still buzzes, then it probably needs a setup.
a proper one.
If the guitar's action is too low, the tendency of it buzzing is higher. It's something like a give and take thing. This is one point to take note.

Btw, all guitars buzz. Either you are picking too hard or you are not used to the fact that all guitars buzz. in terms of electric guitars, as long as the buzzing cannot be heard through the amplifier, it's fine. However if the problem occurs within individual frets, now that is a problem of uneven frets & that requires more work/

you are a beginner, hence bar chords might be more of a challenge for you. Your teacher and friends might be saying that the action is too high for you.

also, what gauge of strings are you using? For beginners I would recommend .010 instead of .012. that affects the comfort of playing and the overall string tension. does not matter if it sounds less defined, the most important thing is that you can practice comfortably.

Compare with other guitars around. do they have the same problem?

If you asked me about an opinion regarding the whole experience at the store, I would say it's pretty biased. Sure it was a bad experience but from the owner's POV, I can understand why he was getting so impatient because it's hard to explain something to someone who has close to 0 knowledge when it comes to a guitar set up and chooses to listen to people who don't repair guitars for a living. It's like asking a friend of yours to fix your washing machine instead of a qualified electrician.
Thank you for all the replies. The gauge that I am having is .012. I understand the owner's POV and thus I did not mention the shop name and his name. However, I was just upset by his respond when I tried to ask one question hoping to know whether buzz sound is normal. He didn't even try to explain at all. And his changing of attitude once customer came in etc etc. Anyway, it is over. However, I just wish to warn people through this thread that they should get all the things setup proper before they pay for the guitar. Don't believe the things and services that the shop owner promise after sales as they may not be true after you have paid as they don't earn much from after sales service. Thus, attitude decrease with the amount possible earn. It is better to have everything done properly before you actually pay for it.
Before buying any guitar, you have to try it out to check for any set up issues so that the shop can rectify it on the spot. If possible, do so even for online transactions. if the online seller cannot fix it, at least ask him to pay for the set up.

For items that are dirt cheap, I'm sure there is a reason why.

Humans all have emotions I guess. This experience goes to show that no one is perfect but then again being customers, we always tend to be judgmental towards our service providers. Blame the media :).

All this is IMO.
let's not get into shop-naming in this case. i agree that if the shop be named, it'd be preventive action. but if you really need to know, perhaps you can PM kktt.

i find it difficult to empathize the goodwill of raising the product price just before payment. in this case, the buyer can refuse to buy the product because it wasn't as contracted (buy & sell is a contract under the law).
bad experiences?
they only care about making money..and not to customers' satisfaction...

the best thing to do is walk away..
bad experiences?
they only care about making money..and not to customers' satisfaction...

the best thing to do is walk away..

Agree x100 . try to go to more recognised shop if you're beginners , at least you know that those shops won't scam you . best if , go with a friend that is kinda experience .
thanks for the reminder, bro.

let's not forget that there are good services around as well which require our due highlight.
bro sub already mentioned..lets not mention names here..
but he said a 5k accoustic i roughly know where it is..

How come I see someone start a thread about hub4thailand, naming hub4thailand but it's ok, but cannot name shops? And where did he mention the acoustic guitar being $5k? He said he is a beginner, beginner buy $5k guitar? Ironically you are the one insinuating about another unrelated guitar shop when you come up with this $5k acoustic guitar remark.
How come I see someone start a thread about hub4thailand, naming hub4thailand but it's ok, but cannot name shops? And where did he mention the acoustic guitar being $5k? He said he is a beginner, beginner buy $5k guitar? Ironically you are the one insinuating about another unrelated guitar shop when you come up with this $5k acoustic guitar remark.

It is because, people who start threads disclosing shops/others have no idea or consequences to thier action. As much as I would like to know which shop it is, I would prefer it not being disclose this public. Cause and effect. This is no longer the age where someone comes in and make a claim and only a quater of the world knows. We have to be objective here. One bad user experience doesn't mean that the shop is bad no?
If I'm allowed to give my 5 cents on this, what is the point of forums and sites if people can not share their experiences and opinions?
So if I have a bad experience with a shop I can not talk about it?!!? What a load of bs.
Perhaps we should inform Amazon and other shops to remove all their customer reviews.

It is said the customer is always right. Well not in Singapore apparently. Here we can be belittled, cheated and lied to and still we can not come to a forum and mention it because we have to protect the shop...
Greetings all,

I agree that a forum is a place to share experiences, good and bad. Why should we protect certain shops when its obvious they are so full of crap? Some shops exhibit a "I'm a rock star" attitude and think that anyone who doesn't have long hair or leather pants is an unworthy customer. It is shameful how we accept such treatment when we are the ones with the voting power. I have voted; there are shops I avoid at all costs. I'd rather go overseas and procure those items myself. Or just go without it.

This is a hobby which I am very passionate about, so to let a few crappy shops and their snooty staff ruin my leisure would be a crime. Therefore, since we're such nice people and refuse to say things like "GC is snobbish and arrogant" or "SL is rather pricey, and the staff aren't too warm", let's name the GOOD ones then. In this way, we can all bask in the pleasantries and enjoy our HOBBY. We are all our own little rockstars, aren't we? :)

Cheers, all!

P.S: By the way, I went to DGC and asked for a Seymour pickup in white, I was told to go spray it myself. Not in a joke way, but in a take-it-or-leave-it way. I left it and I am not going back again. And don't ever mention the wrong name for an effects pedal, you will be sneered at by them.
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Such stories are not uncommon, even in other guitar forums with much higher visitation. As we have only read about it as a description by the author, we could only view it through a single lens. In our civil society, it is always appropriate hear, listen and feel the various angles that make up this story but in this case it is just not possible as it has come to pass. I think Sub does have a point in holding our fire in terms of seeking for disclosure. At the same time, I also applaude metalfreak's candidness for speaking up.

If that shop conducts its business in such manner without any remorse, rest assure that it will happen again. Soon enough, the will be sufficient talks generated within the guitar community here, incidentally a small one, to gradually undermine the shop's business existence. You might not need to find out the name, the news will just fly into your ears.

It is the purpose of a forum to enable sharing of one's views. Invariably, the quality and appropriateness of the views shared are totally another issue. Whatever written in a public domain carries accountability and responsibilities. If one has full knowledge of the content of the writings as well as its implications, the onus shall lie with the author's freedom of expression. A popular saying; with freedom comes responsibility. Perhaps we can ask ourselves before we click the Submit button, "Am I benefitting others or myself?"

Thanks kktt for sharing the experiences, at the same we are sorry that it turn this way.

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