Aspiring DJs, Absolute Beginners, Seasoned Semi Pro or Professionals Meetup!

HF Theory

New member
Hello DJs!

As we know there are really good local DJ's here that have transpired and hitting the clubs with their massive hits.

I was hoping to make a collaborative meetup with other DJ's here in Singapore.

Like a monthly meetup to talk about various techniques on live mixing, and to let others hear your work from start to finish.

The discussion will basically revolve around;

- DJ Equipments
- DJ Setups
- DJ Softwares and Plug Ins
- DJ Mixing and Remixes
- Beatmatching
- Music Production from a DJ's point of view

You may wish to contribute items to discuss as well!

Open to the floor.

et cetera.

I'm hoping to do a monthly meetup at a venue (to be confirmed)

So would love for any aspiring DJs, Absolute Beginners, Seasoned Semi Pro or Professionals, to email me, their interest to join this monthly group meetup. It will benefit all of us, to cross learn and exchange.

You may send your particulars such as your name, mobile number, email address, link to your mixes to: thelushproject (at) yahoo (dot) com (dot) au

I will update this thread accordingly.

Thanks fellas!


DJ Haanse
thelushproject (at) yahoo (dot) com (dot) au