Ashbory bass


New member
been wanting to get an ashbory for a long long time. Sadly missed the one on buy/sell. ):

Anybody has any idea where to get it? I doubt there is a shop selling it locally eh? And how bout the strings.
the ashbory bass...uh i am the one who bought it. my second one actually. i got a red one in 2000 but foolishly sold it when i saw the one on sale i grabbed!!!

i suggest you check with BGW guitars, they are great, honest people to buy from. i bought a fender american P 5 form them and it was really worth it.

the ashbory comes in black, blue & red. and you can get the strings form the retailer themselves.

the ashbory is good for acoustic gigs, folk and some mild jazz .....
YES! acoustic gigs, need it for that. And carrying that is much easier for rehearsals for songs that are not as bass intensive.

Besides online, is there like a shop that sells it?
just a random noob question. During the ordering.
The addresses and all. States are US states. How to i get around it. Cause my billing and shipping addresses are clearly not US.