Applogies to all


New member
Thak you for you honest comment. I will take them to considerations. I want to applogise to the band glished becos i used their song for review without their aknowleagement. I do hope that the song is not commented as it is still incomplete and experimetal. For the quality wise.. i realli do apreciate all the views given.

This is glished original track and i made a mistake of posting it without consulting them first..

Thank you for ur honest comments

- the vocal reverb is abit funny
- i guess the guitar require alittle eqing, the clean part
- there is alittle mistake at 5.38 i guess, but not too obvious

other than this i guess got no major prob i juz listen twice onli... The one and onli thing missing is the drums....

so u r the guy recording for glitched..... :)

Vocals: less echo effect.. if you want, try something like a 80% dry and 30% wet reverb effect. Also increase volume by 20%.
Guitar (left channel): more high mids, treble for clean mode; more bass & high mids and less gain for dirty mode.
Guitar (right channel): more treble and volume for the solo. The rest of the time it's fine.
Bass: cut down slightly because it causes the other instruments to lack 'punch'.

Also overall your guitar sounds are very 'scooped mids'... try something like a "the darkness" tone which has more midrange.

but that's just my opinion.. because when you want a solo to cut through more, you could pan it more to the middle of the audio scope, rather than having it stuck to the right channel, and also throw in more high mids so that it can cut through without sounding too loud.

Hope this is helpful :)
actually it all depends on the genre of the music.... and the audience they are actracting.....

listen to more 311 stuff and u will hv the idea how to do the mix for them..... :)

yah true.. I guess because I listen to more.. 70's rock, maybe my vision of what a mix sounds like would be different, as compared to what they would envision it to be.
no offence though... i guess there is no wrong or right to doing a thing.... as long as u can get the same outcome, it doesn't really matters how u do it.... :wink:
I'd lose the distorted guitar altogether and get the song down to around 4 6.47 it's too long and there are different ideas struggling to be heard. The intro could be a lot shorter and everything after 5 mins is for another song. At 4 mins or under, your listeners will digest and remember it easier if you are going for something with a hook.

Hype the chorus a little and make the vocal arrangement bigger before it cuts away with ' the glitch was me' to make more of a statement.

Less ambience.

Add Drums. The offbeat guitar isn't a substitute for percussion and I would change the sound to be less percussive, at the moment you've got it mixed where the snare might be and it's not sitting right.

That's just my opinion and I don't mean to detract from what you've achieved because what you've got is pretty good....
I think production issues aside, the track suffers from an arrangement problem more than anything else, a common problem I see in bands when I get them in the studio...which in your case is sad cause you actually have potentially a really awesome song on your hands....

From a production point of view, guitar tones could be better, just seems like there's no meat on it. It sounds like its been lined in or the sound that comes off a practice amp...I find the overdriven tone too ends being irritiating at times to me at least...
There some serious EQ work to be done as the instruments lack clarity and the mix seems muddy in general...
I won't talk about balance of instruments and voice cause am listening to it off my laptop...but initial reaction is that seeing how the track doesn't have drums, at this point, the balance personally to me is off, I for one would lower particular guitar levels...
The vocal effect is personal taste I guess but try exploring different reverb types and timings....

The other thing is musicianship, I felt the solos could have been a lot better just makes the band seem less tighter ...the same with some of the backing vocals...

I thought the vocalist was pretty good though....
hey ho....let`s go!!!!

suddenly it became the band`s fault......
now u see the reason y u need to ask the band 1st before doing anything to their originals song(s)...

F.Y.I...the song isn`t complete..still lack of drums n keyboards tracks..n seriously..this is not how it`s supposed to sound least not in the studio.. 8)`s too late now... :?