Anyone using Bare Knuckle Warpig for bridge?

An Kerreng

New member
Hey guys!

Im getting a bare knuckle warpig soon.
Anyone using it? Just wanna know if its
a dark or bright sounding pickup. Im
using it with my RG series with basswood
body. Cant test it at shop thats why. Also
to avoid regrets.

Types of genre im playing: Metal to Heavy.

Can email me too:

Thanks! =>

I'm using a Warpig in my G&L, full maple body with ebony fingerboard. Guitar character is inherently bright, this pickup seems to have tamed it some. The Warpig is well suited for metal, but also rather versatile if you roll it down a tad. You want to test it, you might just buy my entire guitar, which I'm shamelessly plugging for sale. Details are in the guitar buy/sell if you're keen.!?p=1169106#post1169106

Good luck!
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I'm using a warpig bridge for my Gibson SG Standard. The sound is a total blowoff! It'll blow your socks off! It's totally amazing as a dirty pickup and for solos. It can reach screeching highs! But there's a choice of alnico magnets or ceramic ones, I chose the ceramic for faster bass response :)
Im putting it on my rg370dx with
basswood body... Neck pickup
maybe putting a Bareknuckle nailbomb,
Aftermath or warpig...

Warpigs in my Ibanez SZ520. Brief appraisal here:
haha yes, that sounds more like street prices found in america. i remembered people selling these pickups here at msrp of $500 to $600. joke, really.
haha yes, that sounds more like street prices found in america. i remembered people selling these pickups here at msrp of $500 to $600. joke, really.

That was a long time ago when they were still new in the local market. I remember those days where BKPs seemed like the holy grail. Now we are so spoiled for choices. Even cheap pickups are sounding so good. End of the day, I would still say that BKPs are definitely above average pickups.
why go for something so expensive before trying other pickups that are cheaper? you might not like the pickup despite spending so much money. at least try it on guitars that are equipped with it to have a rough feel first.

of course, you must take note of the set up that you are running it through. it makes a difference.
Agreed. Some of my friends told me
about this too... How about Seymour
Duncan Jazz and JB? Heard these are
very versatile and sounds good!